C 是否可以让用户从命令行中选择一个值?

C 是否可以让用户从命令行中选择一个值?,c,C,在C语言中,用户是否可以通过将光标移动到所需的值,然后按Enter或space键来确认选择,从而让用户从先前在屏幕上打印的数据中选择一个值 举例说明: 在以下代码中: int x[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i){ printf("%i ", x[i]); } 现在,用户看到了输出,是否可以让他使用箭头键将光标移动到所需位置,并让输入成为用户选择的内容




    int x[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
        printf("%i ", x[i]);











#include <stdio.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

WINDOW *janela;         // Points to a Windows Object
int xPos;               // current x cursor position
int yPos;               // current y cursor position

int main(void){

// Declaration of all functions
void moverEsquerda(void);   //move left
void moverDireita(void);    //move right
void moverCima(void);       //move up
void moverBaixo(void);      //move down
int lerInt(void);           //read value

char c;             // This variable stores the user input(up, down, left, etc...)

janela = initscr(); // curses call to initialize window
noecho();           // curses call to set no echoing
cbreak();           // curses call to set no waiting for Enter key

int tabela[4][4]; // This array is just for demonstration purposes
tabela = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};

// places the cursor at 0,0
xPos = 0;
yPos = 0;
move(yPos, xPos);

int num;    // Stores the select by the user
// The following while is executed until the user presses an
// "invalid key"
while (1) {
    c = getch();
    if     (c == 'w')   moverCima();        
    else if(c == 's')   moverBaixo();       
    else if(c == 'a')   moverEsquerda();    
    else if(c == 'd')   moverDireita();     
    else if(c == '\n'){ // If user presses Enter the caracter is writen in a txt file
        FILE *file = fopen("test.txt", "a");
        num = (int)inch();
        fprintf(file, "Voce selecinou o numero %c\n", num);
    else {
        endwin(); //ends window object
        break;    //exit the loop

    return 0;

void moverCima(void){

    move(yPos, xPos);

void moverBaixo(void){

    move(yPos, xPos);

void moverDireita(void){

     move(yPos, xPos);

void moverEsquerda(void){

    move(yPos, xPos);

#include <stdio.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

WINDOW *janela;         // Points to a Windows Object
int xPos;               // current x cursor position
int yPos;               // current y cursor position

int main(void){

// Declaration of all functions
void moverEsquerda(void);   //move left
void moverDireita(void);    //move right
void moverCima(void);       //move up
void moverBaixo(void);      //move down
int lerInt(void);           //read value

char c;             // This variable stores the user input(up, down, left, etc...)

janela = initscr(); // curses call to initialize window
noecho();           // curses call to set no echoing
cbreak();           // curses call to set no waiting for Enter key

int tabela[4][4]; // This array is just for demonstration purposes
tabela = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};

// places the cursor at 0,0
xPos = 0;
yPos = 0;
move(yPos, xPos);

int num;    // Stores the select by the user
// The following while is executed until the user presses an
// "invalid key"
while (1) {
    c = getch();
    if     (c == 'w')   moverCima();        
    else if(c == 's')   moverBaixo();       
    else if(c == 'a')   moverEsquerda();    
    else if(c == 'd')   moverDireita();     
    else if(c == '\n'){ // If user presses Enter the caracter is writen in a txt file
        FILE *file = fopen("test.txt", "a");
        num = (int)inch();
        fprintf(file, "Voce selecinou o numero %c\n", num);
    else {
        endwin(); //ends window object
        break;    //exit the loop

    return 0;

void moverCima(void){

    move(yPos, xPos);

void moverBaixo(void){

    move(yPos, xPos);

void moverDireita(void){

     move(yPos, xPos);

void moverEsquerda(void){

    move(yPos, xPos);