访问内存映射I/O 我对嵌入式系统编程非常陌生,我只需要学习如何通过C++代码来操纵给定的。p>

访问内存映射I/O 我对嵌入式系统编程非常陌生,我只需要学习如何通过C++代码来操纵给定的。p>,c++,embedded,C++,Embedded,鉴于: 电机1映射到0x60000000 电机2映射到0x50000000 以下是当前32位寄存器的定义 REGISTER NAME | BYTE OFFSET | NOTES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- motor_interrupt 0x00 service inter





REGISTER NAME            |     BYTE OFFSET        |     NOTES
motor_interrupt               0x00                 service interrupts

motor_status                  0x01                 enable on demand access to status elements
motor_command                 0x02                 enable command of the motor

REGISTER NAME           |   NAME   |  BITS   | ACCESS TYPE   | DESC 

                           CLOSED      0          R/W         high when motor transitions to CLOSED position
                           OPEN        1          R/W         high when motor transitions to OPEN position
                           RESERVED    2.31       N/A         reserved for future use


                           SPEED       0.2         R          speed in counts/seconds
                           STATE        3          R          current state of motor
                           POSITION    4.13        R          current position of the motor
                           RESERVED    14.31       n/a         reserved for future use
<>我发现很难用给定的方法看到一个C++代码,在这里我知道我需要访问RealStestNoX并设置它们的位来执行特定的任务或者读取登记名来获得状态。p> 我认为如果它在C++代码中使用,我会更理解它。给定的是一个自动门系统(我没有写按钮的详细信息)。是否需要访问C++中的RealStestIONE或ByTeTeOffice?p>


volatile uint32_t * const motor1 = (uint32_t *)0x60000000; // base addresses for motors 1 and 2
volatile uint32_t * const motor2 = (uint32_t *)0x50000000;

enum  // register offsets from base address
    motor_interrupt, // 0x00 - service interrupts
    motor_status,    // 0x01 - enable on demand access to status elements
    motor_command    // 0x02 - enable command of the motor

// read status/interrupt registers

uint32_t current_int_1 = motor1[motor_interrupt];
uint32_t current_int_2 = motor2[motor_interrupt];

uint32_t current_status_1 = motor1[motor_status];
uint32_t current_status_2 = motor2[motor_status];
motor1[motor_command] = 0x8000 | (0x12 << 6) | 0x01;
motor2[motor_command] = 0x0;

volatile uint32_t * const motor1 = (uint32_t *)0x60000000; // base addresses for motors 1 and 2
volatile uint32_t * const motor2 = (uint32_t *)0x50000000;

enum  // register offsets from base address
    motor_interrupt, // 0x00 - service interrupts
    motor_status,    // 0x01 - enable on demand access to status elements
    motor_command    // 0x02 - enable command of the motor

// read status/interrupt registers

uint32_t current_int_1 = motor1[motor_interrupt];
uint32_t current_int_2 = motor2[motor_interrupt];

uint32_t current_status_1 = motor1[motor_status];
uint32_t current_status_2 = motor2[motor_status];
motor1[motor_command] = 0x8000 | (0x12 << 6) | 0x01;
motor2[motor_command] = 0x0;

motor1[motor_command]=0x8000 |(0x12,谢谢你,有什么可以让我更清楚的文章/书吗?有很多关于嵌入式编程的书-在标题中找一些带有“embedded”、“programming”和“C”的东西。最好在地址处找一个结构。
struct motor{unsigned int interrupt,status,command}