numof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudentnumof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudentnumof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudent,c++,arrays,C++,Arrays" /> numof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudentnumof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudentnumof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudent,c++,arrays,C++,Arrays" />

如何在c+中创建、访问和利用字符串数组+; 我是C++的新手,我想知道如何创建空数组字符串数组, 到目前为止,我有: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int numOfStudent; char again; do { cout << "How many students are in the class?"; cin >> numOfStudent; while (numOfStudent > 30 || numOfStudent < 5) { cout << "The number of students must be in the range 5 - 30\n"; cout << "How many students are in the class?"; cin >> numOfStudent; } for (int count = 1; count <= numOfStudent; count++) cout << "Enter the full name of student " << count << endl; cin >> // this is the part where i want to use an array to store cout << "Here is the list of students you have entered:\n"; for (int x = 1; x <= numOfStudent; x++) cout << x << ". " // and this is the part where i want to read an array and print out cout << "\nDo you want to continue (y/n)?"; cin >> again; } while (again == 'Y' || again == 'y'); } #包括 #包括 使用名称空间std; int main() { 国际学生; 再次烧焦; 做 { cout>numof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudentnumof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudentnumof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudent

如何在c+中创建、访问和利用字符串数组+; 我是C++的新手,我想知道如何创建空数组字符串数组, 到目前为止,我有: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int numOfStudent; char again; do { cout << "How many students are in the class?"; cin >> numOfStudent; while (numOfStudent > 30 || numOfStudent < 5) { cout << "The number of students must be in the range 5 - 30\n"; cout << "How many students are in the class?"; cin >> numOfStudent; } for (int count = 1; count <= numOfStudent; count++) cout << "Enter the full name of student " << count << endl; cin >> // this is the part where i want to use an array to store cout << "Here is the list of students you have entered:\n"; for (int x = 1; x <= numOfStudent; x++) cout << x << ". " // and this is the part where i want to read an array and print out cout << "\nDo you want to continue (y/n)?"; cin >> again; } while (again == 'Y' || again == 'y'); } #包括 #包括 使用名称空间std; int main() { 国际学生; 再次烧焦; 做 { cout>numof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudentnumof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudentnumof学生; 而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudent,c++,arrays,C++,Arrays,来说,这似乎是一个家庭作业问题,但即使是这样,它也是如此基本,代码答案应该有助于让您跳转到更复杂的主题: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int numOfStudent; char again; vector<string>


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int numOfStudent;
    char again;

    vector<string> students;

        cout << "How many students are in the class?";
        cin >> numOfStudent;
        while (numOfStudent > 30 || numOfStudent < 5)
            cout << "The number of students must be in the range 5 - 30\n";
            cout << "How many students are in the class?";
            cin >> numOfStudent;

        for (int count = 1; count <= numOfStudent; count++)
            string name;
            cout << "Enter the full name of student " << count << endl;
            cin >> name; // this is the part where i want to use an array to store

            cout << "Here is the list of students you have entered:\n";
        for (int x = 1; x <= numOfStudent; x++)
            cout << "Student #"<<x << " is  "<<<<"."<<endl; // and this is the part where i want to read an array and print out

            cout << "\nDo you want to continue (y/n)?";
        cin >> again;
    } while (again == 'Y' || again == 'y');

int main()
而(numOfStudent>30 | | numOfStudent<5)
对于(int count=1;count
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int numOfStudent;
    char again;

    vector<string> students;

        cout << "How many students are in the class?";
        cin >> numOfStudent;
        while (numOfStudent > 30 || numOfStudent < 5)
            cout << "The number of students must be in the range 5 - 30\n";
            cout << "How many students are in the class?";
            cin >> numOfStudent;

        for (int count = 1; count <= numOfStudent; count++)
            string name;
            cout << "Enter the full name of student " << count << endl;
            cin >> name; // this is the part where i want to use an array to store

            cout << "Here is the list of students you have entered:\n";
        for (int x = 1; x <= numOfStudent; x++)
            cout << "Student #"<<x << " is  "<<<<"."<<endl; // and this is the part where i want to read an array and print out

            cout << "\nDo you want to continue (y/n)?";
        cin >> again;
    } while (again == 'Y' || again == 'y');
