C++ 出纳程序

C++ 出纳程序,c++,payment,balance,C++,Payment,Balance,这是一个出纳计划,我迫切需要指导。该程序计算一个项目的成本和为该项目支付的金额,并计算要返还给客户的剩余“变化”。然而,我有几个问题我还没有解决。第一个是,在某些金额上,exp:cost=0.25,paid=100.00,程序会在没有零钱的地方吐出一分钱。第二个问题是为cout提供的参数:只有零钱(二十美元、十美元、五美元、一美元)和硬币(四分之一、一角硬币、五分镍币、一便士)只有在零钱中存在时才能使用。没有0个20个10个等。。。 所需示例:成本=0.25,已付=100.00将是4二十(s)1

这是一个出纳计划,我迫切需要指导。该程序计算一个项目的成本和为该项目支付的金额,并计算要返还给客户的剩余“变化”。然而,我有几个问题我还没有解决。第一个是,在某些金额上,exp:cost=0.25,paid=100.00,程序会在没有零钱的地方吐出一分钱。第二个问题是为cout提供的参数:只有零钱(二十美元、十美元、五美元、一美元)和硬币(四分之一、一角硬币、五分镍币、一便士)只有在零钱中存在时才能使用。没有0个20个10个等。。。 所需示例:成本=0.25,已付=100.00将是4二十(s)1十(s)1五(s) 4一(s)三个季度;一角硬币、五分镍币和便士不应显示,因为它们是0。我是否只剩下大量的If语句,或者我还能做些什么;也许换一下?我不确定,因为我还是个新手


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()
    float purchase, payment, change;
    int new_change, one_dollar, five_dollar, ten_dollar, twen_dollar;
    int quarter, nickel, dime, penny;

    // Program explanation
    cout << "This program calculates the change of a payment\n";
    cout << "towards a purchase." << endl << endl;

    // user prompt to input item cost and
    cout << "- - Enter the following Information - -" << endl;
    cout << endl << "Cost of Item: $";
    cin >> purchase;
    cout << endl << endl << "Payment: $";
    cin >> payment;

    // calculating the balance that is owed back to customer
    change = (payment - purchase) * 100;

    // this assignment used so that we can use modulo
    new_change = ceil(change);

    // Following equations used to retrieve respective bill
    // amounts owed back to purchaser
    twen_dollar = new_change / 2000;
    ten_dollar = (new_change % 2000) / 1000;
    five_dollar = (new_change % 1000) / 500;
    one_dollar = (new_change % 500) / 100;

    // Following equations used to retrieve respective coin
    // amounts owed back to purchaser
    quarter = (new_change % 100) / 25;
    dime = (new_change % 25) / 10;
    nickel = (new_change % 10) / 5;
    penny = new_change % 5;

    cout << endl << change << "  " << new_change << "   " << twen_dollar << " 
    twenty " << ten_dollar << " ten ";
    cout << five_dollar << " five " << one_dollar << " one " << quarter;
    cout << " quarter " << dime << " dime " << nickel << " nickel ";
    cout << penny << " penny ";

    return 0;
int main()


nickel = (change%10) /5;

ten_dollar = change/1000;
change -= 1000*ten_dollar;

five_dollar = change /500;
change -= 500*five_dollar;

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()
    float purchase, payment;
    int change, one_dollar, five_dollar, ten_dollar, twen_dollar;
    int quarter, nickel, dime, penny;

    // Program explanation
    cout << "This program calculates the change of a payment\n";
    cout << "towards a purchase." << endl << endl;

    // user prompt to input item cost and
    cout << "- - Enter the following Information - -" << endl;
    cout << endl << "Cost of Item: $";
    cin >> purchase;
    cout << endl << endl << "Payment: $";
    cin >> payment;

    // calculating the balance that is owed back to customer
    change = (payment - purchase)*100;

    // this assignment used so that we can use modulo
    //don't need this, change is an int at this point
    //new_change = ceil(change);

    // Following equations used to retrieve respective bill
    // amounts owed back to purchaser
    twen_dollar = change / 2000;
    change -= 2000*twen_dollar;

    ten_dollar = change / 1000;
    change -= 1000*ten_dollar;

    five_dollar = change / 500;
    change -= 500*five_dollar;

    one_dollar = change / 100;
    change -= 100*one_dollar;

    // Following equations used to retrieve respective coin
    // amounts owed back to purchaser
    quarter = change / 25;
    change -= 25*quarter;

    dime = change / 10;
    change -= 10*dime;

    nickel = change / 5;
    change -= 5*nickel;

    penny = change;

    cout << twen_dollar << "twenty " << ten_dollar << " ten ";
    cout << five_dollar << " five " << one_dollar << " one " << quarter;
    cout << " quarter " << dime << " dime " << nickel << " nickel ";
    cout << penny << " penny ";

    return 0;
int main()
