C++ 为什么我的程序不能在Visual Studio 2019之外输出我想要的信息?

C++ 为什么我的程序不能在Visual Studio 2019之外输出我想要的信息?,c++,C++,我编写了一个程序,为用户提供一些关于减肥的信息,以及如何达到特定目标,我要求用户输入一些信息。我正处于这样一个阶段,我可以开始实现一些函数,使主函数变得更好一些,但在解决这个问题之前,我不想继续 它在Visual Studio中运行得很好,完美地输出了最后一部分,但是如果我尝试运行build文件夹中的.exe进行调试或发布,它只会在告诉用户他们想要的信息之前退出程序 不过,我不确定为什么会发生这种情况,因为它不会给我任何构建错误或编译器错误。下面是.exe跳过的代码: cout <<


它在Visual Studio中运行得很好,完美地输出了最后一部分,但是如果我尝试运行build文件夹中的.exe进行调试或发布,它只会在告诉用户他们想要的信息之前退出程序


cout << "Choose your rate at which you'd like to meet your goal! " <<
        "\n 1. Fast\n 2. Medium\n 3. Slow" << endl;
    int uRate;
    cin >> uRate;

//This bit of code it executes, and the user inputs their rate, which 
//assigns the value to the switch statement for it to determine it's case.

double time = uWeight - uGoalWeight;

    double fastrate = (uWeight * 0.01);
    double mediumrate = (uWeight * 0.0075);
    double slowrate = (uWeight * 0.005);

    int newTime;

    switch (uRate) {
    case 1:
        newTime = time / fastrate;
        cout << "Your time in weeks to reach your goal is : " << newTime << " weeks." << endl;
        cout << "You'd have to lose " << fastrate << " lbs per week to meet this goal!" << endl;
        cout << "Remember, your optimal goal weight would be: "
            << uGoalWeight << " lbs!" << endl;


    case 2:
        newTime = time / mediumrate;
        cout << "Your time in weeks to reach your goal is : " << newTime << " weeks." << endl;
        cout << "You'd have to lose " << mediumrate << " lbs per week to meet this goal!" << endl;
        cout << "Remember, your optimal goal weight would be: "
            << uGoalWeight << " lbs!" << endl;


    case 3:
        newTime = time / slowrate;
        cout << "Your time in weeks to reach your goal is : " << newTime << " weeks." << endl;
        cout << "You'd have to lose " << slowrate << " lbs per week to meet this goal!" << endl;
        cout << "Remember, your optimal goal weight would be: "
            << uGoalWeight << " lbs!" << endl;


