DLLImport C++;到.NET-char*(指向字符串的指针) 我使用了.NET中的C++构建的DLL(C语言)。 我面临一个指向字符串(char*)的指针问题

DLLImport C++;到.NET-char*(指向字符串的指针) 我使用了.NET中的C++构建的DLL(C语言)。 我面临一个指向字符串(char*)的指针问题,c++,casting,char,C++,Casting,Char,这是C中的函数声明++ EXPORT char* Read_Signal(char *Name) { char* Info = (char*)malloc(50 * sizeof(char)); //more code return Info; } 我用这些方法尝试了德林波特 [DllImport("Com.dll", CallingConvertion = CallingConvertion.Cdecl)] public static extern String


EXPORT char* Read_Signal(char *Name)
     char* Info = (char*)malloc(50 * sizeof(char));
     //more code
     return Info;

[DllImport("Com.dll", CallingConvertion = CallingConvertion.Cdecl)]
public static extern StringBuilder Read_Signal(StringBuilder Name);  => Not Working (crash)

[DllImport("Com.dll", CallingConvertion = CallingConvertion.Cdecl)]
public static extern string Read_Signal(string Name);  => Not Working (crash), I am not able to see the fail because no exception or message is shown, the application simply crashes. 

[DllImport("Com.dll", CallingConvertion = CallingConvertion.Cdecl)]
public static extern long Read_Signal(StreamBuilder Name);  => Works but the return long var is not useful (with int, char the call works but the response is obviously not useful).


Paul是正确的-构造C->C#字符串返回的常用方法是使用StringBuilder或其他类型的缓冲区。我用这个小片段通过hwnd方便地提取窗口标题,作为如何构造C API和C#wrapper的示例:

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern int GetWindowTextLength(IntPtr hwnd);

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern long GetWindowText(IntPtr hwnd, StringBuilder lpString, long cch);

public static string GetWindowCaption(IntPtr hwnd) {
    var len = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd);
    var sb = new StringBuilder(len + 1); // (count for \0 terminator)
    GetWindowText(hwnd, sb, len + 1);
    return sb.ToString();