C# 根据什么逻辑,实例构造函数应该访问静态字段

C# 根据什么逻辑,实例构造函数应该访问静态字段,c#,constructor,C#,Constructor,我想知道为什么实例构造函数可以访问静态字段?如果我通过静态构造函数初始化静态字段,并且错误地再次通过实例构造函数初始化它们,那么第二次初始化将覆盖第一次初始化。通过实例构造函数访问它们背后的想法是什么?(请看下面的简单程序以了解我的观点) 例如,当静态字段包含类的实例计数器时,构造函数可能希望访问静态成员。您可能希望类成员获取、保留(在一个非静态字段中)并递增这个将是静态的计数器。在将来的任何时候,该实例都将具有自己的唯一标识符 例如: public class Employee {




public class Employee {
      static int NextEmployeeId;  // a counter across all employees

      public int EmployeeId;  // this instance's employee id
      public string Name;     // this instance's name.

      static Employee() {
          Employee.NextEmployeeId = 1;  // first employee gets 1.

      public Employee(string Name) {
           this.Name = Name;
           this.EmployeeId = Employee.NextEmployeeId++;  // take an id and increment for the next employee



public class AClass()
   public static float staticField;
   public float field;
   public AClass()
       staticField = 5;
       field = 6;
   static AClass()
       staticField = 7;

public int Main()
     float initially = AClass.staticField; // initially this staticField is 7.
     AClass aclass = new AClass(); // instantiating AClass
     float localfield = aclass.field; // this field does not affect anyone. It is 6
     float newStaticField = AClass.staticField; // Due to previous instantiation, the value is now 5.




public int Main()
     string initialkey = NewEncryptionClass.Key;
     string result1 = new EncryptionClass().Encrypt("encryptThis"); // using key1

     // let's change the key
     string result2 = new EncryptionClass("key2").Encrypt("encryptThat"); // using key2
     string result3 = new EncryptionClass().Encrypt("encryptOther"); // still using key2



public class NewEncryptionClass()
      public static string Key;
      public NewEncryptionClass()

      public NewEncryptionClass(string newKey)
           Key = newKey; // store the key and keep it forever
      static NewEncryptionClass()
           Key = "key1"; // initially key is "key1"
      public string Encrypt(string str)
          string result = string.Empty;
          result =  "adlasdjalskd" + Key + "ajlajfalkjfa" + str; // do the Encryption, I just made up
          return result
public int Main()
     string initialkey = NewEncryptionClass.Key;
     string result1 = new EncryptionClass().Encrypt("encryptThis"); // using key1

     // let's change the key
     string result2 = new EncryptionClass("key2").Encrypt("encryptThat"); // using key2
     string result3 = new EncryptionClass().Encrypt("encryptOther"); // still using key2
