Math 计算机绘图实用程序

Math 计算机绘图实用程序,math,r,graph,statistics,jfreechart,Math,R,Graph,Statistics,Jfreechart,我在R中开发了一个系统,用于绘制从风力涡轮机获得的大型数据集。我现在将这个过程移植到Java中。我在两个系统之间得到的结果是不一致的 如下图所示: 首先使用R绘制数据集,然后使用JFreeChart绘制数据集 这两个图中的红线对应于我用每种语言进行的计算(详情如下) #1中的棕色虚线对应于#2中的蓝色线,此处没有差异,仅供参考 阴影区域表示数据点,1为灰色,2为红色。 我可以解释(红色)计算线之间的差异,这是由于我使用了不同的计算方法 在R中,数据处理如下,我写了这段代码,不知道这里发生了



  • 首先使用R绘制数据集,然后使用JFreeChart绘制数据集
  • 这两个图中的红线对应于我用每种语言进行的计算(详情如下)
  • #1中的棕色虚线对应于#2中的蓝色线,此处没有差异,仅供参考
  • 阴影区域表示数据点,1为灰色,2为红色。



  • 在x_轴上18处出现一个孤立点(在R图上最明显)似乎对曲线的形状有巨大的影响
  • 即使在x轴上的5到15之间,R图中的线似乎更连续,它也不像Java生成的那样容易改变轨迹
  • 爪哇x轴上18处明显的“火山口”必须在其两侧“堆积”,我相信这是由于渲染系统中的多项式效应


  • 我的R脚本中到底发生了什么
  • 如何将相同的进程移植到Java代码中
  • 谁能解释一下JFreeCharts使用的样条线系统,还有其他的吗



## here we create a data frame with the pwr and spd variables
df <- data.frame(pwr = pwr, spd = spd)

## we load the package containing the code to fit the additive model

## This is the model itself, saying pwr is modelled as a smooth function of spd
## and the smooth function of spd is generated using an adaptive smoother with
## and "allowance" of 20. This allowance is a starting point and the actual
## smoothness of the curve will be estimated as part of the model fitting,
## here using a REML criterion
mod <- gam(pwr ~ s(spd, bs = "ad", k = 20), data = df, method = "REML")

## This just summarise the model fit

## In this line we are creating a new spd vector (in a data frame) that contains
## 100 equally spaced spd values over the entire range of the observed spd
x_grid <- with(df, data.frame(spd = seq(min(spd) + 0.0001, maxi, length=100)))

## we will use those data to get predictions of the response pwr at each
## of the 100 values of spd we just created
## I did this so we had enough data to plot a nice smooth curve, but without
## having to predict for all the observed values of spd
pred <- predict(mod, x_grid, = TRUE)

## This line stores the 100 predicted values in the prediction data object
x_grid <- within(x_grid, fit <- pred$fit)

## This line draws the fitted smooth on to a plot of the data
## this assumes there is already a plot on the active device.
lines(fit ~ spd, data = x_grid, col = "red", lwd = thickLineWidth)
    ROUND( ROUND( x_data * 2 ) / 2, 1)   AS x_axis, # See
    AVG( y_data )                        AS y_axis 
## here we create a data frame with the pwr and spd variables
df <- data.frame(pwr = pwr, spd = spd)

## we load the package containing the code to fit the additive model

## This is the model itself, saying pwr is modelled as a smooth function of spd
## and the smooth function of spd is generated using an adaptive smoother with
## and "allowance" of 20. This allowance is a starting point and the actual
## smoothness of the curve will be estimated as part of the model fitting,
## here using a REML criterion
mod <- gam(pwr ~ s(spd, bs = "ad", k = 20), data = df, method = "REML")

## This just summarise the model fit

## In this line we are creating a new spd vector (in a data frame) that contains
## 100 equally spaced spd values over the entire range of the observed spd
x_grid <- with(df, data.frame(spd = seq(min(spd) + 0.0001, maxi, length=100)))

## we will use those data to get predictions of the response pwr at each
## of the 100 values of spd we just created
## I did this so we had enough data to plot a nice smooth curve, but without
## having to predict for all the observed values of spd
pred <- predict(mod, x_grid, = TRUE)

## This line stores the 100 predicted values in the prediction data object
x_grid <- within(x_grid, fit <- pred$fit)

## This line draws the fitted smooth on to a plot of the data
## this assumes there is already a plot on the active device.
lines(fit ~ spd, data = x_grid, col = "red", lwd = thickLineWidth)