C# Bings地图中的路线

C# Bings地图中的路线,c#,windows-phone-7,C#,Windows Phone 7,我使用了文档并遵循了所有步骤,但是当我尝试实现代码时,我什么都看不到 BingMapsDirectionsTask bingMapsDirectionsTask = new BingMapsDirectionsTask(); // You can specify a label and a geocoordinate for the end point. GeoCoordinate spaceNeedleLocation = new GeoCoordinate(-33.3935,-070.62


BingMapsDirectionsTask bingMapsDirectionsTask = new BingMapsDirectionsTask();

// You can specify a label and a geocoordinate for the end point.
GeoCoordinate spaceNeedleLocation = new GeoCoordinate(-33.3935,-070.6215);
LabeledMapLocation spaceNeedleLML = new LabeledMapLocation("camino las rosas,santiago,chile", spaceNeedleLocation);

// If you set the geocoordinate parameter to null, the label parameter is used as a search term.
// LabeledMapLocation spaceNeedleLML = new LabeledMapLocation("Space Needle", null);

bingMapsDirectionsTask.End = spaceNeedleLML;

// If bingMapsDirectionsTask.Start is not set, the user's current location is used as the start point.


你的代码看起来不错。你说的“我什么都看不见”到底是什么意思?如果有帮助的话,看看这个演示:谢谢,我想问题出在windows phone模拟器上。