C# 比较2个CSV文件,如果第二个文件中存在,则将其删除

C# 比较2个CSV文件,如果第二个文件中存在,则将其删除,c#,csv,C#,Csv,基本上,我想从List.csv中删除一行,如果它存在于ListToDelete.csv中,并将结果输出到另一个名为newList.csv的文件中 List.csv 1,A,V 2,B,W 3,C,X 4,D,Y 5,E,z ListToDelete.csv 3. 四, NewList.csv 1,A,V 2,B,W 5,E,z 我了解如何使用streamreader和writer读取和写入文件,但我不知道如何仅存储List.csv的第一列,以将其与ListToDelete.csv的第一列进行比较


List.csv 1,A,V 2,B,W 3,C,X 4,D,Y 5,E,z

ListToDelete.csv 3. 四,

NewList.csv 1,A,V 2,B,W 5,E,z



string list = "List.txt";
        string listDelete = "ListToDelete.txt";
        string newList = "newList.txt";

        //2 methods to store all the text in a string array so we can match the arrays. Using ReadAllLines instead of screenreader so it populates array automatically
        var array1 = File.ReadAllLines(list);
        var array2 = File.ReadAllLines(listDelete);

        // Sets all the first columns from the CSV into an array
        var firstcolumn = array1.Select(x => x.Split(',')[0]).ToArray();
        //Matches whats in firstcolumn and array 2 to find duplicates and non duplicates
        var duplicates = Array.FindAll(firstcolumn, line => Array.Exists(array2, line2 => line2 == line));
        var noduplicates = Array.FindAll(firstcolumn, line => !Array.Exists(duplicates, line2 => line2 == line));

        //Writes all the non duplicates to a different file
        File.WriteAllLines(newList, noduplicates);  
所以上面的代码生成 1. 2. 五,


NewList.csv 1,A,V 2,B,W


var noduplicates = Array.FindAll(array1, line => !Array.Exists(duplicates, line2 => line.StartsWith(line2)));

string list = "List.csv";
string listDelete = "ListToDelete.csv";
string newList = "newList.txt";

var array1 = File.ReadAllLines(list);
var array2 = File.ReadAllLines(listDelete);

var noduplicates = Array.FindAll(array1, line => !Array.Exists(array2, line2 => line.StartsWith(line2)));

//Writes all the non duplicates to a different file
File.WriteAllLines(newList, noduplicates);
