C# 将用户信息存储到阵列以用于交换机状态

C# 将用户信息存储到阵列以用于交换机状态,c#,arrays,.net,C#,Arrays,.net,我的任务是菜单中的选项,目前我一直在尝试将用户输入(在本例中是带有t恤品牌和大小的字符串)存储到一个数组中,以便稍后在其他一些菜单选项中使用 namespace A4pf { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int option = 0; Console.WriteLine("1. Add New T-shirt Deta


namespace A4pf
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int option = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("1. Add New T-shirt Details");
            Console.WriteLine("2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt detials");
            Console.WriteLine("3. Display All T-shirts in store");
            Console.WriteLine("4. Delete T-shirt information");
            Console.WriteLine("5. Exit");

                case 1:
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the T-Shirts Details. ");
                    Console.Write("Brand Name and size(eg. Thrasher-M");
                    string[] tshirtDetails = new string[12];

                    for (int i = 0; i < tshirtDetails.Length; i++)
                        tshirtDetails[i] = Console.ReadLine();
静态void Main(字符串[]参数)
for(int i=0;i
int option=0


假设你和4个人住在一起。你们每个人都有自己的房间,大家共享一个共同的空间——厨房。厨房里有一个冰箱,里面装着食物。你们都不允许进入彼此的房间。室友1决定冰箱放在他的房间里。现在没有其他人可以接触到冰箱里的食物rator,因为其他室友不允许进入他的房间。本质上,当你将数组声明放在case#1中时,就会发生这种情况。每个室友都需要在一个公共的地方——厨房。当你使用“{”和“}”以及诸如“if”、“For”、“switch case”等语句时,等等。您正在定义一个范围(即:一个房间)。最好只提供所需的访问权限,但同时确保需要访问变量(如数组)的所有内容都可以访问它


string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];


Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt detials
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)

if userResponse = 1 then add new t-shirt details
else if userResponse = 2 then edit existing t-shirt details
else if userResponse = 3 then display all t-shirts in store
else if userResponse = 4 then delete t-shirt information
else if userResponse = 5 then exit the program
else user selected an option that doesn't exist
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine) 
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)

string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];

if userResponse = 1 then add new t-shirt details
    prompt user for t-shirt details (Console.WriteLine)     
    get t-shirt details from user (Console.ReadLine)
    store t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)

string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];

    case 1:  
        //add new t-shirt details
        prompt user for t-shirt details (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt details from user (Console.ReadLine)
        resize array (tshirtDetails)
        store t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 

    case 2:  
        //edit existing t-shirt details 
        prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
        update t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 
    case 3:  
        //display all t-shirts in store

        for each detail in tshirtDetails 
           Console.WriteLine t-shirt details

    case 4:  
        //delete t-shirt information
        prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
        remove t-shirt details from array (tshirtDetails)    
    case 5:  
        exit the program

        //user selected an option that doesn't exist
        inform user of invalid option (Console.WriteLine)


Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt detials
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)

if userResponse = 1 then add new t-shirt details
else if userResponse = 2 then edit existing t-shirt details
else if userResponse = 3 then display all t-shirts in store
else if userResponse = 4 then delete t-shirt information
else if userResponse = 5 then exit the program
else user selected an option that doesn't exist
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine) 
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)

string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];

if userResponse = 1 then add new t-shirt details
    prompt user for t-shirt details (Console.WriteLine)     
    get t-shirt details from user (Console.ReadLine)
    store t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)

string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];

    case 1:  
        //add new t-shirt details
        prompt user for t-shirt details (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt details from user (Console.ReadLine)
        resize array (tshirtDetails)
        store t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 

    case 2:  
        //edit existing t-shirt details 
        prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
        update t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 
    case 3:  
        //display all t-shirts in store

        for each detail in tshirtDetails 
           Console.WriteLine t-shirt details

    case 4:  
        //delete t-shirt information
        prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
        remove t-shirt details from array (tshirtDetails)    
    case 5:  
        exit the program

        //user selected an option that doesn't exist
        inform user of invalid option (Console.WriteLine)

string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];


if userResponse = 1 then add new t-shirt details
    prompt user for t-shirt details (Console.WriteLine)     
    get t-shirt details from user (Console.ReadLine)
    store t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 

else if userResponse = 2 then edit existing t-shirt details
    prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
    get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
    update t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 

else if userResponse = 3 then display all t-shirts in store
   for each detail in tshirtDetails Console.WriteLine

else if userResponse = 4 then delete t-shirt information
    prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
    get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
    remove t-shirt details from array (tshirtDetails)     

else if userResponse = 5 then exit the program

    inform user of invalid option (Console.WriteLine)

Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt detials
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)

if userResponse = 1 then add new t-shirt details
else if userResponse = 2 then edit existing t-shirt details
else if userResponse = 3 then display all t-shirts in store
else if userResponse = 4 then delete t-shirt information
else if userResponse = 5 then exit the program
else user selected an option that doesn't exist
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine) 
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)

string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];

if userResponse = 1 then add new t-shirt details
    prompt user for t-shirt details (Console.WriteLine)     
    get t-shirt details from user (Console.ReadLine)
    store t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)

string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];

    case 1:  
        //add new t-shirt details
        prompt user for t-shirt details (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt details from user (Console.ReadLine)
        resize array (tshirtDetails)
        store t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 

    case 2:  
        //edit existing t-shirt details 
        prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
        update t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 
    case 3:  
        //display all t-shirts in store

        for each detail in tshirtDetails 
           Console.WriteLine t-shirt details

    case 4:  
        //delete t-shirt information
        prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
        remove t-shirt details from array (tshirtDetails)    
    case 5:  
        exit the program

        //user selected an option that doesn't exist
        inform user of invalid option (Console.WriteLine)


else if userResponse = 2 then edit existing t-shirt details
    prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
    get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
    update t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 

else if userResponse = 3 then display all t-shirts in store
   for each detail in tshirtDetails Console.WriteLine

else if userResponse = 4 then delete t-shirt information
    prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
    get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
    remove t-shirt details from array (tshirtDetails)     

else if userResponse = 5 then exit the program

    inform user of invalid option (Console.WriteLine)
我想我应该使用“switch case”语句而不是“if-else-if-else”语句


Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt detials
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)

if userResponse = 1 then add new t-shirt details
else if userResponse = 2 then edit existing t-shirt details
else if userResponse = 3 then display all t-shirts in store
else if userResponse = 4 then delete t-shirt information
else if userResponse = 5 then exit the program
else user selected an option that doesn't exist
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine) 
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)

string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];

if userResponse = 1 then add new t-shirt details
    prompt user for t-shirt details (Console.WriteLine)     
    get t-shirt details from user (Console.ReadLine)
    store t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 
Inform user what the program does (Console.WriteLine).

Give user 5 options. If user enters an invalid option, re-prompt user. Display these options until user selects option #5 (loop / Console.WriteLine)
1. Add New T-shirt Details
2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt details
3. Display All T-shirts in store
4. Delete T-shirt information
5. Exit

Get user response (Console.ReadLine)
Save user response in integer variable (name: option)

string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];

    case 1:  
        //add new t-shirt details
        prompt user for t-shirt details (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt details from user (Console.ReadLine)
        resize array (tshirtDetails)
        store t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 

    case 2:  
        //edit existing t-shirt details 
        prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
        update t-shirt details in array (tshirtDetails) 
    case 3:  
        //display all t-shirts in store

        for each detail in tshirtDetails 
           Console.WriteLine t-shirt details

    case 4:  
        //delete t-shirt information
        prompt user for which t-shirt details to modify (Console.WriteLine)     
        get t-shirt index from user (Console.ReadLine)
        remove t-shirt details from array (tshirtDetails)    
    case 5:  
        exit the program

        //user selected an option that doesn't exist
        inform user of invalid option (Console.WriteLine)

namespace A4pf
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int option = 0;
            string optionStr = string.Empty;
            string[] tshirtDetails = new string[1];

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the T-shirt Inventory Management program.\n");

                option = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("1. Add New T-shirt Details");
                Console.WriteLine("2. Edit Exisiting T-shirt detials");
                Console.WriteLine("3. Display All T-shirts in store");
                Console.WriteLine("4. Delete T-shirt information");
                Console.WriteLine("5. Exit");

                Console.Write("\nSelect an option: ");
                optionStr = Console.ReadLine();

                //convert to int
                Int32.TryParse(optionStr, out option);

                switch (option)
                    case 1:
                        //add new t-shirt details
                        Console.Write("Please enter the T-Shirts Details. ");
                        Console.Write("Brand Name and size(eg. Thrasher-M): ");

                        //ToDo: add code

                        Console.WriteLine("\nT-shirt details saved.\n");
                    case 2:
                        //edit existing t-shirt details 

                        //ToDo: add code

                        Console.WriteLine("\nT-shirt details updated.\n");

                    case 3:
                        //display all t-shirts in store
                        //ToDo: add code

                    case 4:
                        //delete t-shirt information

                        //ToDo: add code

                        Console.WriteLine("\nT-shirt details deleted.\n");

                    //case 5:

                    //    break;
                        //user selected an option that doesn't exist

                        Console.WriteLine("\nError: Invalid option entered (" + optionStr + "). Please try again.\n");


            } while (option != 5);
您可能会注意到,不需要“Case 5”,因为我们在“while”语句中计算if option=5。我已将其注释掉。由于“Case 5”及其包含的代码不是必需的,因此可以删除(删除)
