Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/2/csharp/329.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
C# ingTime==supportsDst){ 如果(!supportsDst)zoneInfo数组.Add(zoneInfo); 否则{ //有DST。查找DST的第一天并测试是否与发送的值匹配。天=年内的天偏移量 int foundDay=0; DateTime janDate=新的日期时间(2016,1,1,12,0,0);//正午 int startDay=zoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(janDate)?180:0;//如果是南半球,则从一年中的180天开始 对于(int day=startDay;day_C#_Asp.net_Asp.net Mvc 3 - Fatal编程技术网

C# ingTime==supportsDst){ 如果(!supportsDst)zoneInfo数组.Add(zoneInfo); 否则{ //有DST。查找DST的第一天并测试是否与发送的值匹配。天=年内的天偏移量 int foundDay=0; DateTime janDate=新的日期时间(2016,1,1,12,0,0);//正午 int startDay=zoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(janDate)?180:0;//如果是南半球,则从一年中的180天开始 对于(int day=startDay;day

C# ingTime==supportsDst){ 如果(!supportsDst)zoneInfo数组.Add(zoneInfo); 否则{ //有DST。查找DST的第一天并测试是否与发送的值匹配。天=年内的天偏移量 int foundDay=0; DateTime janDate=新的日期时间(2016,1,1,12,0,0);//正午 int startDay=zoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(janDate)?180:0;//如果是南半球,则从一年中的180天开始 对于(int day=startDay;day,c#,asp.net,asp.net-mvc-3,C#,Asp.net,Asp.net Mvc 3,对于Dot Net 3.5版及更高版本,您可以使用: TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.UtcNow); 但对于低于3.5版的Dot Net,您可以通过以下方式手动处理: 首先,从客户端获取偏移量并将其存储在cookie中 function setTimezoneCookie(){ var timezone_cookie = "timezoneoffset"; // if the timezone cookie does

对于Dot Net 3.5版及更高版本,您可以使用:

但对于低于3.5版的Dot Net,您可以通过以下方式手动处理:


function setTimezoneCookie(){
var timezone_cookie = "timezoneoffset";

// if the timezone cookie does not exist create one.
if (!$.cookie(timezone_cookie)) { 

    // check if the browser supports cookie
    var test_cookie = 'test cookie';
    $.cookie(test_cookie, true);

    // browser supports cookie
    if ($.cookie(test_cookie)) { 
        // delete the test cookie
        $.cookie(test_cookie, null);
        // create a new cookie 
        $.cookie(timezone_cookie, new Date().getTimezoneOffset());

        // re-load the page
// if the current timezone and the one stored in cookie are different
// then store the new timezone in the cookie and refresh the page.
else {         

    var storedOffset = parseInt($.cookie(timezone_cookie));
    var currentOffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();

    // user may have changed the timezone
    if (storedOffset !== currentOffset) { 
        $.cookie(timezone_cookie, new Date().getTimezoneOffset());


   public static string ToClientTime(this DateTime dt)
    // read the value from session
    var timeOffSet = HttpContext.Current.Session["timezoneoffset"];  
    if (timeOffSet != null) 
        var offset = int.Parse(timeOffSet.ToString());
        dt = dt.AddMinutes(-1 * offset);
        return dt.ToString();
    // if there is no offset in session return the datetime in server timezone
    return dt.ToLocalTime().ToString();



  • 这适用于大多数现代浏览器:

  • 对于较旧的浏览器,还有的



  • 使用

    TimeZoneInfo tzi=TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(“美国/纽约”);
  • 使用(在任何操作系统上):

    TimeZoneInfo tzi=TZConvert.GetTimeZoneInfo(“美国/纽约”);
  • 使用(在任何操作系统上):

    DateTimeZone tz=DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[“美国/纽约”];

    • 看看这个asp.net c解决方案

      您可以从客户端到服务器(任何web API调用)获取此信息


      DateTime clientDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow - new TimeSpan(timezoneOffset / 60, timezoneOffset % 60, 0);

      DateTime clientDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(utcDate, timeZoneInfo);
      // Time zone.  Sets two form values:
      // tzBaseUtcOffset: minutes from UTC (non-DST)
      // tzDstDayOffset: number of days from 1/1/2016 until first day of DST ; 0 = no DST
      var form = document.forms[0];
      var janOffset = -new Date(2016, 0, 1).getTimezoneOffset();      // Jan
      var julOffset = -new Date(2016, 6, 1).getTimezoneOffset();      // Jul
      var baseUtcOffset = Math.min(janOffset, julOffset);             // non DST offset (winter offset)
      form.elements["tzBaseUtcOffset"].value = baseUtcOffset;
      // Find first day of DST (from 1/1/2016)
      var dstDayOffset = 0;
      if (janOffset != julOffset) {
          var startDay = janOffset > baseUtcOffset ? 180 : 0; // if southern hemisphere, start 180 days into year
          for (var day = startDay; day < 365; day++) if (-new Date(2016, 0, day + 1, 12).getTimezoneOffset() > baseUtcOffset) { dstDayOffset = day; break; }    // noon
      form.elements["tzDstDayOffset"].value = dstDayOffset;
          private TimeZoneInfo GetTimeZoneInfo(int baseUtcOffset, int dstDayOffset) {
              // Converts client/browser data to TimeZoneInfo
              // baseUtcOffset: minutes from UTC (non-DST)
              // dstDayOffset: number of days from 1/1/2016 until first day of DST ; 0 = no DST
              // Returns first zone info that matches input, or server zone if none found
              List<TimeZoneInfo> zoneInfoArray = new List<TimeZoneInfo>();    // hold multiple matches
              TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(baseUtcOffset / 60, baseUtcOffset % 60, 0);
              bool supportsDst = dstDayOffset != 0;
              foreach (TimeZoneInfo zoneInfo in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()) {
                  if (zoneInfo.BaseUtcOffset.Equals(timeSpan) && zoneInfo.SupportsDaylightSavingTime == supportsDst) {
                      if (!supportsDst) zoneInfoArray.Add(zoneInfo);
                      else {
                          // Has DST. Find first day of DST and test for match with sent value. Day = day offset into year
                          int foundDay = 0;
                          DateTime janDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0);  // noon
                          int startDay = zoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(janDate) ? 180 : 0;    // if southern hemsphere, start 180 days into year
                          for (int day = startDay; day < 365; day++) if (zoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(janDate.AddDays(day))) { foundDay = day; break; }
                          if (foundDay == dstDayOffset) zoneInfoArray.Add(zoneInfo);
              if (zoneInfoArray.Count == 0) return TimeZoneInfo.Local;
              else return zoneInfoArray[0];
      function setTimezoneCookie(){
      var timezone_cookie = "timezoneoffset";
      // if the timezone cookie does not exist create one.
      if (!$.cookie(timezone_cookie)) { 
          // check if the browser supports cookie
          var test_cookie = 'test cookie';
          $.cookie(test_cookie, true);
          // browser supports cookie
          if ($.cookie(test_cookie)) { 
              // delete the test cookie
              $.cookie(test_cookie, null);
              // create a new cookie 
              $.cookie(timezone_cookie, new Date().getTimezoneOffset());
              // re-load the page
      // if the current timezone and the one stored in cookie are different
      // then store the new timezone in the cookie and refresh the page.
      else {         
          var storedOffset = parseInt($.cookie(timezone_cookie));
          var currentOffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
          // user may have changed the timezone
          if (storedOffset !== currentOffset) { 
              $.cookie(timezone_cookie, new Date().getTimezoneOffset());
         public static string ToClientTime(this DateTime dt)
          // read the value from session
          var timeOffSet = HttpContext.Current.Session["timezoneoffset"];  
          if (timeOffSet != null) 
              var offset = int.Parse(timeOffSet.ToString());
              dt = dt.AddMinutes(-1 * offset);
              return dt.ToString();
          // if there is no offset in session return the datetime in server timezone
          return dt.ToLocalTime().ToString();
      System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_TIMEZONE"] ;
      TimeZoneInfo mytzone = TimeZoneInfo.Local;
      var timezoneOffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
      DateTime clientDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow - new TimeSpan(timezoneOffset / 60, timezoneOffset % 60, 0);