C# 如何在CompositeCommand上进行控制反转?

C# 如何在CompositeCommand上进行控制反转?,c#,mvvm,inversion-of-control,prism,C#,Mvvm,Inversion Of Control,Prism,我有以下ViewModel,其中我在构造函数中实例化CompositeCommand: public class ViewImportPreviewViewModel:BindableBase { private IEventAggregator eventAggregator; //event aggregator to enable Studio button in different ViewModel private readonly IRe


 public class ViewImportPreviewViewModel:BindableBase
        private IEventAggregator eventAggregator;  //event aggregator to enable Studio button in different ViewModel

        private readonly IRegionManager regionManager; //region manager for navigation to the main menu

        public CompositeCommand FinalizeImportClick{get;set;}//composite command to register multiple command for finalize import button click

        public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) //constructor
            this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            this.regionManager = regionManager;

            FinalizeImportClick = new CompositeCommand();
            FinalizeImportClick.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<string>(NavigateToMain)); //register a delegate command for finalize import button click


        //subscriber method to the firs delegate command registered with finalize button click
        private void NavigateToMain(string argument) 
            //it enables the studio button after import and sends it to the main menu view XAML

            //it navigates to the main menu after import
            regionManager.RequestNavigate("ScreenNavigationRegion", argument); 

            //publish an event for the main buttons viewmodel and then over there try to fade in main buttons

私有IEventAggregator eventAggregator;//事件聚合器,用于在不同的ViewModel中启用Studio按钮
专用只读IRegionManager regionManager;//用于导航到主菜单的区域管理器
public CompositeCommand FinalizeImport单击{get;set;}//composite命令为finalize导入注册多个命令单击
public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager,IEventAggregator eventAggregator)//构造函数
私有void NavigateToMain(字符串参数)
//它在导入后启用studio按钮,并将其发送到主菜单view XAML

 public class ViewImportPreviewViewModel:BindableBase
        private IEventAggregator eventAggregator;  //event aggregator to enable Studio button in different ViewModel

        private readonly IRegionManager regionManager; //region manager for navigation to the main menu

        public CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick;//composite command to register multiple command for finalize import button click

        public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick) //constructor
            this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            this.regionManager = regionManager;

            this.finalizeImportClick = finalizeImportClick;
            finalizeImportClick.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<string>(NavigateToMain)); //register a delegate command for finalize import button click


        //subscriber method to the firs delegate command registered with finalize button click
        private void NavigateToMain(string argument) 
            //it enables the studio button after import and sends it to the main menu view XAML

            //it navigates to the main menu after import
            regionManager.RequestNavigate("ScreenNavigationRegion", argument); 

            //publish an event for the main buttons viewmodel and then over there try to fade in main buttons

    //Create an interface to abstract away the implementation of the static GlobalCommands class
public interface IGlobalCommands
    CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand { get; }

public static class GlobalCommands
    public static CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand = new CompositeCommand();

//Create a facade around the static GlobalCommands class
public class GloablCommandsFacade : IGlobalCommands
    public CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand
        get { return GlobalCommands.SaveAllCommand; }
//register our global commands facade with the container as the IGlobalCommands interface so that we can ask for this service in our VM constructors
        // and remove the call to a static class in our VM.  This keeps us testable.
        Container.RegisterType<IGlobalCommands, GloablCommandsFacade>();
私有IEventAggregator eventAggregator;//事件聚合器,用于在不同的ViewModel中启用Studio按钮
专用只读IRegionManager regionManager;//用于导航到主菜单的区域管理器
public CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick;//复合命令注册多个命令以完成导入按钮单击
public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager区域管理器、IEventAggregator事件聚合器、CompositeCommand和finalizeImportClick)//构造函数
私有void NavigateToMain(字符串参数)
//它在导入后启用studio按钮,并将其发送到主菜单view XAML

  CompositeCommand myCommand = new CompositeCommand();
CompositeCommand myCommand=新的CompositeCommand();






 public class ViewImportPreviewViewModel:BindableBase
        private IEventAggregator eventAggregator;  //event aggregator to enable Studio button in different ViewModel

        private readonly IRegionManager regionManager; //region manager for navigation to the main menu

        public CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick;//composite command to register multiple command for finalize import button click

        public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick) //constructor
            this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            this.regionManager = regionManager;

            this.finalizeImportClick = finalizeImportClick;
            finalizeImportClick.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<string>(NavigateToMain)); //register a delegate command for finalize import button click


        //subscriber method to the firs delegate command registered with finalize button click
        private void NavigateToMain(string argument) 
            //it enables the studio button after import and sends it to the main menu view XAML

            //it navigates to the main menu after import
            regionManager.RequestNavigate("ScreenNavigationRegion", argument); 

            //publish an event for the main buttons viewmodel and then over there try to fade in main buttons

    //Create an interface to abstract away the implementation of the static GlobalCommands class
public interface IGlobalCommands
    CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand { get; }

public static class GlobalCommands
    public static CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand = new CompositeCommand();

//Create a facade around the static GlobalCommands class
public class GloablCommandsFacade : IGlobalCommands
    public CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand
        get { return GlobalCommands.SaveAllCommand; }
//register our global commands facade with the container as the IGlobalCommands interface so that we can ask for this service in our VM constructors
        // and remove the call to a static class in our VM.  This keeps us testable.
        Container.RegisterType<IGlobalCommands, GloablCommandsFacade>();

 public class ViewImportPreviewViewModel:BindableBase
        private IEventAggregator eventAggregator;  //event aggregator to enable Studio button in different ViewModel

        private readonly IRegionManager regionManager; //region manager for navigation to the main menu

        public CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick;//composite command to register multiple command for finalize import button click

        public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick) //constructor
            this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            this.regionManager = regionManager;

            this.finalizeImportClick = finalizeImportClick;
            finalizeImportClick.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<string>(NavigateToMain)); //register a delegate command for finalize import button click


        //subscriber method to the firs delegate command registered with finalize button click
        private void NavigateToMain(string argument) 
            //it enables the studio button after import and sends it to the main menu view XAML

            //it navigates to the main menu after import
            regionManager.RequestNavigate("ScreenNavigationRegion", argument); 

            //publish an event for the main buttons viewmodel and then over there try to fade in main buttons

    //Create an interface to abstract away the implementation of the static GlobalCommands class
public interface IGlobalCommands
    CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand { get; }

public static class GlobalCommands
    public static CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand = new CompositeCommand();

//Create a facade around the static GlobalCommands class
public class GloablCommandsFacade : IGlobalCommands
    public CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand
        get { return GlobalCommands.SaveAllCommand; }
//register our global commands facade with the container as the IGlobalCommands interface so that we can ask for this service in our VM constructors
        // and remove the call to a static class in our VM.  This keeps us testable.
        Container.RegisterType<IGlobalCommands, GloablCommandsFacade>();





 public class ViewImportPreviewViewModel:BindableBase
        private IEventAggregator eventAggregator;  //event aggregator to enable Studio button in different ViewModel

        private readonly IRegionManager regionManager; //region manager for navigation to the main menu

        public CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick;//composite command to register multiple command for finalize import button click

        public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick) //constructor
            this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            this.regionManager = regionManager;

            this.finalizeImportClick = finalizeImportClick;
            finalizeImportClick.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<string>(NavigateToMain)); //register a delegate command for finalize import button click


        //subscriber method to the firs delegate command registered with finalize button click
        private void NavigateToMain(string argument) 
            //it enables the studio button after import and sends it to the main menu view XAML

            //it navigates to the main menu after import
            regionManager.RequestNavigate("ScreenNavigationRegion", argument); 

            //publish an event for the main buttons viewmodel and then over there try to fade in main buttons

    //Create an interface to abstract away the implementation of the static GlobalCommands class
public interface IGlobalCommands
    CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand { get; }

public static class GlobalCommands
    public static CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand = new CompositeCommand();

//Create a facade around the static GlobalCommands class
public class GloablCommandsFacade : IGlobalCommands
    public CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand
        get { return GlobalCommands.SaveAllCommand; }
//register our global commands facade with the container as the IGlobalCommands interface so that we can ask for this service in our VM constructors
        // and remove the call to a static class in our VM.  This keeps us testable.
        Container.RegisterType<IGlobalCommands, GloablCommandsFacade>();

 public class ViewImportPreviewViewModel:BindableBase
        private IEventAggregator eventAggregator;  //event aggregator to enable Studio button in different ViewModel

        private readonly IRegionManager regionManager; //region manager for navigation to the main menu

        public CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick;//composite command to register multiple command for finalize import button click

        public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick) //constructor
            this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            this.regionManager = regionManager;

            this.finalizeImportClick = finalizeImportClick;
            finalizeImportClick.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<string>(NavigateToMain)); //register a delegate command for finalize import button click


        //subscriber method to the firs delegate command registered with finalize button click
        private void NavigateToMain(string argument) 
            //it enables the studio button after import and sends it to the main menu view XAML

            //it navigates to the main menu after import
            regionManager.RequestNavigate("ScreenNavigationRegion", argument); 

            //publish an event for the main buttons viewmodel and then over there try to fade in main buttons

    //Create an interface to abstract away the implementation of the static GlobalCommands class
public interface IGlobalCommands
    CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand { get; }

public static class GlobalCommands
    public static CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand = new CompositeCommand();

//Create a facade around the static GlobalCommands class
public class GloablCommandsFacade : IGlobalCommands
    public CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand
        get { return GlobalCommands.SaveAllCommand; }
//register our global commands facade with the container as the IGlobalCommands interface so that we can ask for this service in our VM constructors
        // and remove the call to a static class in our VM.  This keeps us testable.
        Container.RegisterType<IGlobalCommands, GloablCommandsFacade>();