C# 单击按钮时引发System.FormatException,但程序在单击OK-WPF后打开

C# 单击按钮时引发System.FormatException,但程序在单击OK-WPF后打开,c#,sql,.net,database,wpf,C#,Sql,.net,Database,Wpf,我输入姓名、通用密码和密码,当我单击“登录”时,我得到一个系统。格式异常:输入字符串的格式不正确。但是,单击“确定”后,我打算打开的窗口将被打开。我如何摆脱异常。异常表示错误被抛出到这堆代码中: `private void ShowEmployeeRank1() { // use a try-catch, in case we run into an // error while digging into the database


`private void ShowEmployeeRank1()
            // use a try-catch, in case we run into an
            // error while digging into the database
                // create a query and select everything from the EmployeeRankq table
                string query = "select * from EmployeeRank1";

                // the SqlDataAdapter can be imagined like an
                // Interface to make tables usable by C# objects

                // create a connection to the database and run the query
                SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, sqlConnection);

                // use the sqlDataAdapter
                using (sqlDataAdapter)
                    // create a new DataTable that allows us
                    // to store data from tables within objects
                    DataTable employeeRank1Table = new DataTable();

                    // fill the sqlDataAdapter with all the
                    // information from the query(from the employeeRank1Table)

                    // set the content of the employeeRank1List
                    // to be "Name" from the table "EmployeeRank1"
                    employeeRank1List.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";

                    // set the value of a specific item
                    // of listEmployeeRank1 to be "Id" from "EmployeeRank1" table
                    employeeRank1List.SelectedValuePath = "Id";

                    // set the content in the employeeRank1List to be the
                    // content of the EmployeeRank1 table in a DefaultView mode
                    employeeRank1List.ItemsSource = employeeRank1Table.DefaultView;
            catch (Exception e)
                // show what is the error

