C# 如何在C中同时运行HTTP POST和HTTPListener#

C# 如何在C中同时运行HTTP POST和HTTPListener#,c#,http,events,C#,Http,Events,我是个新手,希望有人能帮我。我有两个设备作为客户机-服务器或服务器-客户机对。这取决于谁正在向其他设备执行HTTP POST。当设备充当客户端时,我正在实现HTTP POST代码。我还实现了HTTPListener代码,用于 该设备正在充当服务器 我希望HTTPListener在定期发布时与HTTP POST代码并发运行。我不知道这是怎么回事 HTTPListener侦听传入的帖子。它似乎使程序等待,直到识别出首选URI。然后它出现了 接受其他设备的请求并发布数据 我应该将HTTPListene

我是个新手,希望有人能帮我。我有两个设备作为客户机-服务器或服务器-客户机对。这取决于谁正在向其他设备执行HTTP POST。当设备充当客户端时,我正在实现HTTP POST代码。我还实现了HTTPListener代码,用于 该设备正在充当服务器

我希望HTTPListener在定期发布时与HTTP POST代码并发运行。我不知道这是怎么回事 HTTPListener侦听传入的帖子。它似乎使程序等待,直到识别出首选URI。然后它出现了 接受其他设备的请求并发布数据

我应该将HTTPListener放在程序执行期间随时触发的事件处理程序中吗?我相信这会 暂停当前程序的执行以执行HTTPListener代码。侦听器代码完成后,程序 应该在最初停止的地方继续。我理解正确吗


        // this is my primary class from which all program execution is to be controlled from
        public class Lru_operation
            #region fields
            // contains field members used within LruOperation()
            #endregion fields

            #region Properties

            public Lru_Listen LruListen = new Lru_Listen();     // create Lru_Listen object for accessing another class method(s)
            public Lru_Post HttpLruPost = new Lru_Post();       // same purpose as above

            #endregion Properties

            static void Main()
                Lru_operation LruOpX = new Lru_operation();     // create a Lru_operation object    
                LruOpX.LruOperation();                  // call to LruOperation()

            public void LruOperation()
                LruListen.ListenForAag();   // calls a method from the Lru_Listen class that starts the HTTPListener 

                        // performs further code tasks with methods, etc. from other source files

                        HttpLruPost.LruHttpPost(AagLocation, ChanDet.DropSondeData);  // performs the HTTP POSTs to the other device

                        // more tasks

                        //IMPORTANT***Should I remove the below code and encapsulate the below method within an event handler?
                        LruListen.LruListenAccReq();    // performs the tasks of accessing the other devices webRequest and POST data 
                catch(Exception ex)
                    // performs other tasks

        // this class handles listening for incoming HTTP POSTs from the other device
        public class Lru_Listen
            // this method identifies the preferred URI to listen for and starts the listener
            public void ListenForAag()
                string prefix = "http://cgi-gin/setFreq/";                      

                if (!HttpListener.IsSupported)                          
                    //throw Exception;

            if(prefix == null || prefix.Length == 0)                
                //throw new argumentException("prefix");

            listener = new HttpListener();              


            // this method handles the access of the other device's HTTP POST msg and responds back
            public void LruListenAccReq()
                // synchronous: Getcontext method blocks other requests while waiting for an Aag POST cmd msg request

                HttpListenerContext context = listener.GetContext();    
                HttpListenerRequest request = context.Request;      

                LruShowRequestData(request);        // reads the other devices POST'ed data

                // responds back to other device

        // this class handles this device's HTTP POSTs to the other device and receives the response
        public class Lru_Post
            // this method handles the request and sending of POST data to the other device
            public string LruHttpPost(string AagMsgLocation, string dropSondeMsg)       
                WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(AagMsgLocation);      
                webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";   
                webRequest.Method = "POST";                                     

                byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (dropSondeMsg);          
                Stream dataStream = null;                                       

                webRequest.ContentLength = bytes.Length;                    
                dataStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();             
                dataStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);           

                // get the response from the other device                                           
