Debugging 在pep8之后调试ipython时不返回任何内容,但仍有语法错误

Debugging 在pep8之后调试ipython时不返回任何内容,但仍有语法错误,debugging,syntax,ipython,Debugging,Syntax,Ipython,在收到phihag对我的帮助后,我注意到我并没有得到所有偶数的结果。但是,我一直在第47行收到一个语法错误,即else的语法无效 else: # x, y, and z are even 可能是什么问题 #!/usr/bin/env python # This program exmamines variables x, y, and z # and prints the largest odd number among them import sys x, y, z = map(int


else:  # x, y, and z are even

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This program exmamines variables x, y, and z
# and prints the largest odd number among them

import sys

x, y, z = map(int, sys.argv[1:4])

if x % 2 != 0:
    if y % 2 != 0:
        if z % 2 != 0:
            if x > y and x > z:  # x is the biggest odd
                print 'x is the biggest odd ', x
            elif y > z and y > x:  # y is the biggest odd
                print 'y is the biggest odd ', y
            elif z > x and z > y:  # z is the biggest odd
                print 'z is the biggest odd ', z

        else:  # z is even
            if x > y:  # x is the biggest odd
                print 'x is the biggest odd ', x
            else:  # y is the biggest odd
                print 'y is the biggest odd ', y

    else:  # y is even
        if z % 2 != 0:  # z is odd
            if x > z:  # x is the biggest odd
                print 'x is the biggest odd ', x
            else:  # z is the biggest odd
                print 'z is the biggest odd ', z
        else:  # y,z are even and x is the biggest odd
            print 'x is the biggest odd ', x

else:  # x is even
    if y % 2 != 0 and z % 2 != 0:  # y,z is odd
        if y > z:  # y is the biggest odd
            print 'y is the biggest odd ', y
        else:  # z is the biggest odd
            print 'z is the biggest odd ', z
    else:  # x and y are even
        if z % 2 != 0:  # z is the biggest odd
            print 'z is the biggest odd ', z
        else:  # x and z are even
            if y % 2 != 0:  # y is odd
                if z % 2 == 0:  # z is even
                    print 'y is the biggest odd ', y
    else:  # x, y, and z are even
        if z % 2 == 0:
            print 'x, y, and z are even.'

print 'finished'


好吧,我不知道。我会试试elif,看看效果如何。我做了改变,但我有同样的错误我把第二个改成了elifJust elif?elif后面需要另一个表达式。它还需要什么?