Docker Traefik未将请求路径传递给Strapi CMS

Docker Traefik未将请求路径传递给Strapi CMS,docker,docker-compose,traefik,strapi,Docker,Docker Compose,Traefik,Strapi,我试图让Traefik和Stapi CMS一起工作,但在尝试访问管理面板时遇到了问题。例如,我将部署这两个服务,并通过CMS.example.com访问CMS,它将按照预期的strapi加载public/index.html 问题是当我尝试访问时,请求再次返回public/index.html页面,而不是admin页面。我还检查了两个请求上的strapi输出,它似乎在请求相同的路由 有人能告诉我如何识别错误是Traefik没有发送路径还是Strapi爆炸

我试图让Traefik和Stapi CMS一起工作,但在尝试访问管理面板时遇到了问题。例如,我将部署这两个服务,并通过CMS.example.com访问CMS,它将按照预期的strapi加载public/index.html




  • Traefik部署:
  • Strapi docker compose:
  • Traefik TOML文件:

    # Global configuration
      checkNewVersion = true
      sendAnonymousUsage = true
    # Entrypoints configuration
    # Entrypoints definition
    # Optional
    # Default:
        address = ":80"
        address = ":443"
    # Traefik logs configuration
    # Traefik logs
    # Enabled by default and log to stdout
    # Optional
      # Log level
      # Optional
      # Default: "ERROR"
       level = "INFO"
      # Sets the filepath for the traefik log. If not specified, stdout will be used.
      # Intermediate directories are created if necessary.
      # Optional
      # Default: os.Stdout
      filePath = "log/traefik.log"
      # Format is either "json" or "common".
      # Optional
      # Default: "common"
       format = "json"
    # Access logs configuration
    # Enable access logs
    # By default it will write to stdout and produce logs in the textual
    # Common Log Format (CLF), extended with additional fields.
    # Optional
    # [accessLog]
      # Sets the file path for the access log. If not specified, stdout will be used.
      # Intermediate directories are created if necessary.
      # Optional
      # Default: os.Stdout
      # filePath = "/path/to/log/log.txt"
      # Format is either "json" or "common".
      # Optional
      # Default: "common"
      # format = "json"
    # API and dashboard configuration
    # Enable API and dashboard
      # Name of the related entry point
      # Optional
      # Default: "traefik"
      # entryPoint = "traefik"
      # Enabled Dashboard
      # Optional
      # Default: true
       dashboard = true
       insecure = true
    # Ping configuration
    # Enable ping
      # Name of the related entry point
      # Optional
      # Default: "traefik"
      # entryPoint = "traefik"
    # Docker configuration backend
    # Enable Docker configuration backend
      # Docker server endpoint. Can be a tcp or a unix socket endpoint.
      # Required
      # Default: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
      # endpoint = "tcp://"
      # Default host rule.
      # Optional
      # Default: "Host(`{{ normalize .Name }}`)"
      # defaultRule = "Host(`{{ normalize .Name }}.docker.localhost`)"
      # Expose containers by default in traefik
      # Optional
      # Default: true
      network = "web"
      watch = true
      exposedByDefault = false


    version: '3.1'
        image: strapi/strapi
          - DATABASE_CLIENT=postgres
          - DATABASE_HOST=strapi-db
          - DATABASE_PORT=5432
          - DATABASE_NAME=strapi
          - DATABASE_USERNAME=strapi
          - DATABASE_PASSWORD=strapi
          - 9020:1337
          - "traefik.enable=true"
          - "traefik.http.routers.circulate.rule=Host(``)"
          - "traefik.http.routers.circulate.entrypoints=web"
          - ""
          - "traefik.http.middlewares.circulate.addprefix.prefix=/foo"
          - "traefik.port=80"
          - internal
          - web
          - ./app:/srv/app
          - strapi-db
        command: 'strapi start'
        image: postgres:12.1
        restart: always
          - internal
          - web
          - strapi-vol:/var/lib/postgresql/data
          POSTGRES_USER: strapi
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: strapi
          POSTGRES_DB: strapi
        external: true
        external: false
    # Global configuration
      checkNewVersion = true
      sendAnonymousUsage = true
    # Entrypoints configuration
    # Entrypoints definition
    # Optional
    # Default:
        address = ":80"
        address = ":443"
    # Traefik logs configuration
    # Traefik logs
    # Enabled by default and log to stdout
    # Optional
      # Log level
      # Optional
      # Default: "ERROR"
       level = "INFO"
      # Sets the filepath for the traefik log. If not specified, stdout will be used.
      # Intermediate directories are created if necessary.
      # Optional
      # Default: os.Stdout
      filePath = "log/traefik.log"
      # Format is either "json" or "common".
      # Optional
      # Default: "common"
       format = "json"
    # Access logs configuration
    # Enable access logs
    # By default it will write to stdout and produce logs in the textual
    # Common Log Format (CLF), extended with additional fields.
    # Optional
    # [accessLog]
      # Sets the file path for the access log. If not specified, stdout will be used.
      # Intermediate directories are created if necessary.
      # Optional
      # Default: os.Stdout
      # filePath = "/path/to/log/log.txt"
      # Format is either "json" or "common".
      # Optional
      # Default: "common"
      # format = "json"
    # API and dashboard configuration
    # Enable API and dashboard
      # Name of the related entry point
      # Optional
      # Default: "traefik"
      # entryPoint = "traefik"
      # Enabled Dashboard
      # Optional
      # Default: true
       dashboard = true
       insecure = true
    # Ping configuration
    # Enable ping
      # Name of the related entry point
      # Optional
      # Default: "traefik"
      # entryPoint = "traefik"
    # Docker configuration backend
    # Enable Docker configuration backend
      # Docker server endpoint. Can be a tcp or a unix socket endpoint.
      # Required
      # Default: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
      # endpoint = "tcp://"
      # Default host rule.
      # Optional
      # Default: "Host(`{{ normalize .Name }}`)"
      # defaultRule = "Host(`{{ normalize .Name }}.docker.localhost`)"
      # Expose containers by default in traefik
      # Optional
      # Default: true
      network = "web"
      watch = true
      exposedByDefault = false