
Emacs单笔划缓冲区复制,emacs,Emacs,假设我关注BrokerSyncMasteredRecord.cc。我想将BrokerSyncMasteredRecord.cc快速复制到左边一个strokelike,就像一些热键一样。图2中的最终状态。目前,我只能使用C-Xb并键入几个字符的缓冲区名称。这很慢 注意:这不应该是另一个打开的副本缓冲区,例如BrokerSyncMasteredRecord.cc[replicated],您知道我的意思,如果您是emacs用户,但缓冲区完全相同,只需在两个不同的窗口中显示即可。我将为您引用emacs教


注意:这不应该是另一个打开的副本缓冲区,例如BrokerSyncMasteredRecord.cc[replicated],您知道我的意思,如果您是emacs用户,但缓冲区完全相同,只需在两个不同的窗口中显示即可。我将为您引用emacs教程f1 t:

本基础教程只有1000行,几乎小到可以用作capcha 询问有关Emacs的问题:

C-x 3或C-x 2不是您想要的吗?

One of the nice features of Emacs is that you can display more than
one window on the screen at the same time.  (Note that Emacs uses the
term "frames"--described in the next section--for what some other
applications call "windows".  The Emacs manual contains a Glossary of
Emacs terms.)

>> Move the cursor to this line and type C-l C-l.

>> Now type C-x 2 which splits the screen into two windows.
   Both windows display this tutorial.  The editing cursor stays in
   the top window.