Ember.js 获取在用户配置文件创建期间创建的JWT令牌:Ember js

Ember.js 获取在用户配置文件创建期间创建的JWT令牌:Ember js,ember.js,Ember.js,我正在使用ember simple auth和jwt对用户配置文件进行身份验证,这是用于注册的代码,注册后我不想在控制台中打印创建的令牌值(在响应中) import Controller from '@ember/controller'; export default Controller.extend({ actions: { signup: function(){ var credentials = this.getProperties('n

我正在使用ember simple auth和jwt对用户配置文件进行身份验证,这是用于注册的代码,注册后我不想在控制台中打印创建的令牌值(在响应中)

import Controller from '@ember/controller';

export default Controller.extend({
    actions: {
        signup: function(){
            var credentials = this.getProperties('name','identification','password');
            let list = this.store.createRecord('user', {
                name: credentials.name,
                email: credentials.identification,
                password: credentials.password

        // I want to print the token value in console here

                'name': '',
                'identification': '',
                'password': ''


@Sreenath,既然你说jwt存储在服务中, 这是您将console.log记录它的方式

import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Controller.extend({
    nameOfService: service(),

    actions: {
        signup: function(){
            // ...

            // I want to print the token value in console here

            // ...
