File 删除多个文件-仅接收一个身份验证提示

File 删除多个文件-仅接收一个身份验证提示,file,applescript,directory,delete-file,File,Applescript,Directory,Delete File,我正在尝试创建一个脚本来删除同一文件夹中的多个文件,而无需进行两次身份验证。我尝试过很多东西,但我对AppleScript是个新手,而且我一直在努力。非常感谢您的帮助 set colorProfiles to (POSIX file "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles") set coatedToDelete to "Pantone+ Solid Coated.csv" set uncoatedToDelete to "Pantone+ Solid Uncoated.csv


set colorProfiles to (POSIX file "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles")
set coatedToDelete to "Pantone+ Solid Coated.csv"
set uncoatedToDelete to "Pantone+ Solid Uncoated.csv"

    --Notification window with info
    display dialog ("This script will automagically delete your outdated Pantone color books. Please make sure an admin is nearby to authenticate (twice) if prompted.") with icon note

    --Deletes both Pantone+ .csv files
    tell application "Finder"
        delete file (coatedToDelete of folder colorProfiles)
        delete file (uncoatedToDelete of folder colorProfiles)

    end tell
    --Successful deletion notification
    display dialog ("The outdated color book deletion was successful!") buttons {"Great!"} with icon note

on error
    --Error message notification
    display dialog ("This script was unable to delete your legacy Pantone color books.") buttons {"OK"} with icon caution
end try


set colorProfiles to "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/"
set coatedToDelete to colorProfiles & "Pantone+ Solid Coated.csv"
set uncoatedToDelete to colorProfiles & "Pantone+ Solid Uncoated.csv"

  --Notification window with info
  display dialog ("This script will automagically delete your outdated Pantone color books. Please make sure an admin is nearby to authenticate (twice) if prompted.") with icon note

  --Deletes both Pantone+ .csv files
  do shell script "/bin/rm " & quoted form of coatedToDelete & space & quoted form of uncoatedToDelete with administrator privileges

  --Successful deletion notification
  display dialog ("The outdated color book deletion was successful!") buttons {"Great!"} with icon note

on error
  --Error message notification
  display dialog ("This script was unable to delete your legacy Pantone color books.") buttons {"OK"} with icon caution
end try


set colorProfiles to "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/"
set coatedToDelete to colorProfiles & "Pantone+ Solid Coated.csv"
set uncoatedToDelete to colorProfiles & "Pantone+ Solid Uncoated.csv"

  --Notification window with info
  display dialog ("This script will automagically delete your outdated Pantone color books. Please make sure an admin is nearby to authenticate (twice) if prompted.") with icon note

  --Deletes both Pantone+ .csv files
  do shell script "/bin/rm " & quoted form of coatedToDelete & space & quoted form of uncoatedToDelete with administrator privileges

  --Successful deletion notification
  display dialog ("The outdated color book deletion was successful!") buttons {"Great!"} with icon note

on error
  --Error message notification
  display dialog ("This script was unable to delete your legacy Pantone color books.") buttons {"OK"} with icon caution
end try
