Flash 错误#1030:堆栈深度不平衡

Flash 错误#1030:堆栈深度不平衡,flash,actionscript-3,Flash,Actionscript 3,我遇到了一个奇怪的问题,代码如下: private function initLevel():void { var levelMap:Array = [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ]; for (va


private function initLevel():void {
    var levelMap:Array = 
           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    for (var y:* in levelMap) {
        for (var x:* in levelMap[y]) {
            trace(y, x);
            trace(levelMap[y, x]);

typecheck Level/initLevel() outer-scope = [global Object$ flash.events::EventDispatcher$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ flash.display::MovieClip$ Level$] [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {} () 0:debugfile "L:\svntest\flashgame\src;com\thom\TD;Level.as" [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {} () 2:debugline 66 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {} () 4:getlocal0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {} (Level[O]) 5:pushscope [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} () 6:pushundefined [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (void[A]) 7:coerce_a [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (*[A]) 8:setlocal2 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} () 9:pushundefined [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (void[A]) 10:coerce_a [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (*[A]) 11:setlocal3 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} () 12:debug [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} () 17:debug [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} () 22:debugline 69 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} () 24:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I]) 26:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I]) 28:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I]) 30:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 32:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 34:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 36:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 38:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 40:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 42:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 44:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 46:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 48:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 50:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 52:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 54:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 56:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 58:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 60:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 62:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 64:newarray 20 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O]) 66:debugline 70 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O]) 68:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I]) 70:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I]) 72:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 74:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 76:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 78:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 80:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 82:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 84:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 86:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 88:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 90:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 92:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 94:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 96:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 98:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 100:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 102:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 104:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 106:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...10: int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 108:newarray 20 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O]) 110:debugline 71 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O]) 112:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I]) 114:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I]) 116:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 118:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 120:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 122:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 124:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 126:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 128:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 130:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 132:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 134:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 136:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 138:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 140:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 142:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 144:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 146:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 148:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...10: Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 150:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...11: int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 152:newarray 20 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O]) 154:debugline 72 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O]) 156:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I]) 158:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I]) 160:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 162:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 164:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 166:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 168:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 170:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 172:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 174:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 176:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 178:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 180:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 182:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 184:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 186:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 188:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 190:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...10: Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 192:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...11: Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 194:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...12: int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 196:newarray 20 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O]) 198:debugline 73 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O]) 200:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I]) 202:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I]) 204:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 206:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 208:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 210:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 212:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 214:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 216:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 218:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 220:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 222:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 224:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 226:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 228:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 230:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 232:pushbyte 0 [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...10: Array[O] //SIXTY THOUSAND CHAR SNIP 804:callproperty trace 1 [Level[O] Array[O] *[A] *[A] int[I] *[A] int[I] *[A]] {Level[O]} (global[O] *[A]) 807:pop [Level[O] Array[O] *[A] *[A] int[I] *[A] int[I] *[A]] {Level[O]} (global[O]) ------------------------------------ MERGE CURRENT 808: [Level[O] Array[O] *[A] *[A] int[I] *[A] int[I] *[A]] {Level[O]} (global[O]) MERGE TARGET B808: [Level[O] Array[O] *[A] *[A] int[I] *[A] int[I] *[A]] {Level[O]} () [Fault] exception, information=VerifyError: Error #1030: Stack depth is unbalanced. 1 != 0. 类型检查级别/initLevel() 外部作用域=[global Object$flash.events::EventDispatcher$flash.display::DisplayObject$flash.display::InteractiveObject$flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$flash.display::Sprite$flash.display::MovieClip$Level$] [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]]{}() 0:调试文件“L:\svntest\flashgame\src;com\thom\TD;Level.as” [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]]{}() 2:第66行 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]]{}() 4:getlocal0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{}(O级) 5:推镜 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}() 6:未定义 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{O级]}(无效[A]) 7:胁迫 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{O级]}(*[A]] 8:setlocal2 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}() 9:未定义 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{O级]}(无效[A]) 10:胁迫 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{O级]}(*[A]] 11:setlocal3 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}() 12:调试 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}() 17:调试 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}() 22:第69行 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}() 24:0字节 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{O级]}(int[I]) 26:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]) 28:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]) 30:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 32:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 34:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 36:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 38:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 40:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 42:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 44:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I] 46:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 48:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 50:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I] 52:pushbyte 0 [O级]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{O级]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I] 54:pushbyte 0 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{Level[O]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I] 56:pushbyte 0 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{Level[O]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I] 58:pushbyte 0 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{Level[O]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I] 60:pushbyte 0 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{Level[O]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I] 62:pushbyte 0 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{Level[O]}(int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I] 64:newarray 20 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}(数组[O]) 66:第70行 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}(数组[O]) 68:pushbyte 0 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}(数组[O]int[I]) 70:pushbyte 0 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]]{Level[O]}(数组[O]int[I]int[I]) 72:pushbyte 0 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{Level[O]}(数组[O]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 74:pushbyte 0 [Level[O]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]*[A]{Level[O]}(数组[O]int[I]int[I]int[I]int[I]) 76:pushbyte 0 [级别[O]*[A]*[A]*[
levelMap[y, x]
var levelMap:Array = [[0, 100],
                      [20, 21]];
var something:* = levelMap[levelMap[0], 1]; // 100 - The second element of the first array!
something = levelMap[levelMap[0], 'length']; // 2
var a:Object = {num:0, fun:function(num:uint):void{this.num = num;}};
var b:Object = {num:0};
b[a, 'fun'](10);                                                                                                                                                                              
trace(a.num); // 
trace(b.num); // 10
a.fun.call(b, 10);
90:getscopeobject 1
    stack: StackTest
    locals: StackTest StackTest * 
92:getslot 2
    stack: Object? (b)
    locals: StackTest StackTest * 
    stack: Object? (b) Object? (Copy of b)
    locals: StackTest StackTest * 
    stack: Object? (b)
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
96:getscopeobject 1
    stack: Object? (b) StackTest
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b)
98:getslot 1
    stack: Object? (b) Object? (a)
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b)
100:pushstring "fun"
    stack: Object? (b) Object? (a) String ("fun")
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b)
102:getproperty {StackTest...Object}::[]
    stack: Object? (b) * (a.fun)
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b)
    stack: Object? (b) * (a.fun) Object? (Copy of b)
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b)
105:pushbyte 10
    stack: Object? (b) * (a.fun) Object? (Copy of b) int (10)
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b)
107:call 1 (Call a closure. 1 is the argument count. Stack: function (a.fun), receiver (Copy of b), arg (10).  The result (void) is pushed on the stack.)
    stack: Object? (b) * (void)
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b)
    stack: Object? (b)
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b)
110:kill 2
    stack: Object? (b)
    locals: StackTest StackTest *
b[1, true, a, 'fun'](10);
var foo:Array = [];
var inner:Array     = [10];
var outter:Array    = [1,2,inner];
(inner[outter, 'pop']).call(null)[inner,'push'].call(null,20);

var inner:Array     = [10];
var outter:Array    = [1,2,inner];
inner[outter, 'pop']
var arr:Array = [10];
function private::initLevel():void  /* disp_id 0*/
  // local_count=2 max_scope=1 max_stack=3 code_len=17
  0     getlocal0       
  1     pushscope       
  2     pushbyte        10
  4     newarray        [1]
  6     coerce          Array
  8     setlocal1       
  9     pushnull        
  10    getlocal1       
  11    pushstring      "length"
  13    getproperty     null
  15    pop             
  16    returnvoid      
  instr stack_state             comments
  0     this                    "this" is always passed in local register 0 to instance methods
  1                             "this" is added to the scope chain and popped
  2     10                      now, we have 10 on the stack    
  4     [10]                    an array is created and initialized taking 1 element from the stack
  6     [10]                    this is sort of like doing [10] as Array
  8                             the array is assigned to local variable 1
  9     null                    null is pushed. That is the null in this line:
                                HERE BEGINS THE PROBLEM!
  10    null,local1             local 1 is pushed
  11    null,local1,"length"    the string constant "length" is pushed
  13    null,local1["length"]   getproperty null is used for dynamic lookup (object["prop"]). Both operands are popped from the stack
  15    null                    in the previous step, the result of local1["lengtht"] was pushed. But we dind't use it, so it's discarded
  16    null                    here the method returns. The stack should be empty, but it's not. 
                                The generated code should have popped the null pushed at #9, 
                                or it shouldn't have pushed it in the first place
VerifyError: Error #1030: Stack depth is unbalanced. 1 != 0.
var dummy:int = 1;
var arr:Array = [10];
if(dummy != 0) {
function private::initLevel():void  /* disp_id 0*/
  // local_count=3 max_scope=1 max_stack=3 code_len=27
  0     getlocal0       
  1     pushscope       
  2     pushbyte        1
  4     setlocal1       
  5     pushbyte        10
  7     newarray        [1]
  9     coerce          Array
  11    setlocal2       
  12    getlocal1       
  13    pushbyte        0
  15    ifeq            L1

  19    pushnull        
  20    getlocal2       
  21    pushstring      "length"
  23    getproperty     null
  25    pop             

  26    returnvoid      
  instr stack_state             comments
  0     this                    "this" is always passed in local register 0 to instance methods    
  1                             "this" is added to the scope chain and popped
  2     1                       now, we have 1 on the stack    
  4                             1 is popped and assigned to the local variable 1 (the dummy var in the code)
  5     10                      10 is pushed
  7     [10]                    an array is created and initialized taking 1 element from the stack
  9     [10]                    this is sort of like doing [10] as Array
  11                            the array is assigned to local variable 2 (the arr var in the code)
  12    local1                  local1 (dummy) is pushed
  13    local1,0                0 is pushed
  15                            this instruction consumes (pops) both local1 and 0 to compare them
                                If this condition is satisfied, it jumps to the label L1
                                If it is not, it falls-through to the next instruction 
                                (the same as a case label in a switch statement that does not have a break, in Actionscript code)
  19    null                    null is pushed. That is the null in this line:
                                Again, HERE BEGINS THE PROBLEM!
  20    null,local2             local2 is pushed
  21    null,local2,"length"    the string constant "length" is pushed
  23    null,local2["length"]   getproperty null is used for dynamic lookup (object["prop"]). Both operands are popped from the stack
  25    null                    the value returned by local2["length"] is discarded

  26    null                    the method returns, but null is not properly popped from the stack!
    Version: 10
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