Function 如何添加一个参数的多个实例,使其成为代码中的某个变量,并将该参数作为函数中的一个参数使用

Function 如何添加一个参数的多个实例,使其成为代码中的某个变量,并将该参数作为函数中的一个参数使用,function,csv,Function,Csv,嘿,伙计们,在函数中传递了进程、移位和学习曲线级参数之后,我的代码给出了速率。有7个班次,现在我想做的是,我想做从A到E的白班,从F到G的夜班,总共9个班次,但我不知道怎么做。任何建议都会很有帮助 import csv def Calc(process, shift, lc): f = open('C:\\Users\\keshabg\\Desktop\\sql_testing\\table_1.csv') csv_f = csv.reader


    import csv

    def Calc(process, shift, lc):
        f = open('C:\\Users\\keshabg\\Desktop\\sql_testing\\table_1.csv')
        csv_f = csv.reader(f)
        res_units = []
        res_hours = []
        sum_units = 0
        sum_hours = 0
        for row in csv_f:
            if row[2] == shift and row[3] == process and row[4] == lc:
       for num in res_units:
           sum_units = float(sum_units) + float(num)
       for num in res_hours:
           sum_hours = float(sum_hours) + float(num)
           res_rate = round(sum_units/sum_hours, 2)
       except ZeroDivisionError:
           res_rate = "N/A"

       return "The Units Processed was: ", res_units , "The Hours worked was: " , res_hours , "The total units was: " , sum_units , "The total hours was: " , sum_hours , "The rate: " , res_rate
    import csv

    def Calc(process, shift, lc):
        if shift == 'day':
            shift = ['A','B','C','D','E']
        if shift == 'night':
            shift = ['F','G']
        f = open('C:\\Users\\keshabg\\Desktop\\sql_testing\\table_1.csv')
        csv_f = csv.reader(f)
        res_units = []
        res_hours = []
        sum_units = 0
        sum_hours = 0
        for row in csv_f:
            if row[2] in shift and row[3] == process and row[4] == lc:
        for num in res_units:
            sum_units = float(sum_units) + float(num)
        for num in res_hours:
            sum_hours = float(sum_hours) + float(num)
            res_rate = round(sum_units/sum_hours, 2)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            res_rate = "N/A"

        return "The Units Processed was: ", res_units , "The Hours worked was: " , res_hours , "The total units was: " , sum_units , "The total hours was: " , sum_hours , "The rate: " , res_rate