Generics Scala类型不匹配错误

Generics Scala类型不匹配错误,generics,scala,Generics,Scala,我有一个导致类型不匹配的场景,我似乎无法解决。下面是代码的简化版本: abstract class Msg trait Channel[M <: Msg] { def receive(): M def ack(envelope: M) } object ChannelSender { private var channel : Channel[_ <: Msg] = _ def assignChannel(channel : Channel[_ <: Msg


abstract class Msg

trait Channel[M <: Msg] {
  def receive(): M
  def ack(envelope: M)

object ChannelSender {
  private var channel : Channel[_ <: Msg] = _
  def assignChannel(channel : Channel[_ <: Msg]) = = channel

  def test() {
    val msg = channel.receive()
    channel.ack(msg) // Type mismatch here

我可以让它在Scala 2.9下编译,只需做两个修改

trait Channel[M <: Msg] {
  type M2 = M       // Introduce a type member that's externally visible
  def receive(): M2
  def ack(envelope: M2)

object ChannelSender {
  private var channel : Channel[_ <: Msg] = _
  def assignChannel(channel : Channel[_ <: Msg]) = = channel

  def test() {
    val c = channel  // An immutable value, so that c.M2 is stable
    val msg = c.receive()
    c.ack(msg)       // OK now

第一个更改是使用一个不可变的值val c=channel,因此依赖路径的类型c.M2始终表示相同的含义。第二个变化是在特征通道中引入类型成员类型M2=M。我不完全确定为什么这是必要的,可能是个bug吗?。需要注意的一点是,c.M2是一个有效类型,而c.M是未定义的。

我可以在Scala 2.9下编译它,只需做两个更改

trait Channel[M <: Msg] {
  type M2 = M       // Introduce a type member that's externally visible
  def receive(): M2
  def ack(envelope: M2)

object ChannelSender {
  private var channel : Channel[_ <: Msg] = _
  def assignChannel(channel : Channel[_ <: Msg]) = = channel

  def test() {
    val c = channel  // An immutable value, so that c.M2 is stable
    val msg = c.receive()
    c.ack(msg)       // OK now

第一个更改是使用一个不可变的值val c=channel,因此依赖路径的类型c.M2始终表示相同的含义。第二个变化是在特征通道中引入类型成员类型M2=M。我不完全确定为什么这是必要的,可能是个bug吗?。需要注意的是,c.M2是一个有效类型,而c.M是未定义的。
