Go 哥朗的模拟内函数

Go 哥朗的模拟内函数,go,dependency-injection,interface,Go,Dependency Injection,Interface,我想使用接口模拟函数,并且我能够模拟第一个函数callsomething 在icza的大力帮助下,现在变得有点棘手了。我想测试功能vl1 使用函数模拟function1,如何实现 包干管 import ( "fmt" "time" "testing" ) type vInterface interface { function1() bool } type mStruct struct { info string time time.Time



import (

type vInterface interface {
    function1() bool

type mStruct struct {
    info string
    time time.Time

func (s *mStruct) function1() bool {
    return true

func callSomething(si vInterface) bool {
    return si.function1()

func (s *mStruct) vl1() bool {
    return callSomething(s)

var currentVt1 mStruct

func main() {
    vl1 := currentVt1.vl1()



// This test is working as expected (as suggested by icza) for the function  "callSomething"
// here we use mock interface and mock function which helps to mock function1
type mockedVInterface struct {
    value bool

func (m mockedVInterface) fn1() bool {
    return m.value

func Test_callSomething(t *testing.T) {

    type args struct {
        si vInterface
    tests := []struct {
        name string
        args args
        want bool
            name: "first value",
            args: args{
                si: mockedVInterface{value: false},
            want: false,
            name: "second value",
            args: args{
                si: mockedVInterface{value: true},
            want: true,
    for _, tt := range tests {
        t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
            if got := callSomething(tt.args.si); got != tt.want {
                t.Errorf("callSomething() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)

//----Here is the test which a bit tricky 
//I want to call to "s.vl1()" and test it with mock for "function1"

func Test_mStruct_vl1(t *testing.T) {
    type fields struct {
        info string
        time time.Time
    tests := []struct {
        name   string
        fields fields
        want   bool
            name: "test 2",
            fields: struct {
                info string
                time time.Time
            }{info: "myinfo", time: time.Now() },

    for _, tt := range tests {
        t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
            s := &mStruct{
                info: tt.fields.info,
                time: tt.fields.time,
            //here the test is starting
            if got := s.vl1(); got != tt.want {
                t.Errorf("mStruct.vl1() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)


func callSomethingFunc(si vInterface) bool {
    return si.function1()

var callSomething = callSomethingFunc

func (s *mStruct) vl1() bool {
    return callSomething(s)

// ...

func Test_mStruct_vl1(t *testing.T) {
    callSomething = func(si vInterface) bool { // set mock
        // do mock stuff
    defer func(){
        callSomething = callSomethingFunc // set back original func at end of test
    // ...

将callSomething更改为var,例如,在测试之前,将var设置为mock func,运行测试,将其设置回原始func。@mkopriva-我应该在哪里更改它?在测试中还是在实现中?请编辑此内容并将其作为答案提供给implementation@mkopriva-我现在正在检查,谢谢!还可以考虑使用DI框架来将结构注入到其他结构中,使得在特定测试中很容易模拟特定的事物。