
golang实现全文检索的有效途径,go,binary-search-tree,trie,Go,Binary Search Tree,Trie,我试图在golang中实现一个简单的全文搜索,但我的所有实现都太慢,无法克服阈值 任务如下: 文档是由小写单词除以空格组成的非空字符串 每个文档都有一个隐式标识符,该标识符等于其在输入数组中的索引 New()构造索引 Search():接受一个查询,该查询也是一个由小写单词除以空格组成的字符串,并返回文档唯一标识符的排序数组,该数组包含来自查询的所有单词,而不考虑它们的顺序 例如: index := New([]string{ "this is the house that jack bui



  • 文档是由小写单词除以空格组成的非空字符串

  • 每个文档都有一个隐式标识符,该标识符等于其在输入数组中的索引

  • New()构造索引

  • Search():接受一个查询,该查询也是一个由小写单词除以空格组成的字符串,并返回文档唯一标识符的排序数组,该数组包含来自查询的所有单词,而不考虑它们的顺序


index := New([]string{
"this is the house that jack built",  //: 0
"this is the rat that ate the malt",  //: 1

index.Search("")  // -> []
index.Search("in the house that jack built")  // -> []
index.Search("malt rat")  // -> [1]
index.Search("is this the")  // -> [0, 1]

  • 每个文档和所有文档的二元搜索树

  • 每个文档和所有文档的trie(前缀树)

  • 反向索引搜索






type Index struct {
    m map[string]map[int]bool
// New creates a fulltext search index for the given documents
func New(docs []string) *Index {
    m := make(map[string]map[int]bool)

    for i := 0; i < len(docs); i++ {
        words := strings.Fields(docs[i])
        for j := 0; j < len(words); j++ {
            if m[words[j]] == nil {
                m[words[j]] = make(map[int]bool)
            m[words[j]][i+1] = true
    return &(Index{m})

// Search returns a slice of unique ids of documents that contain all words from the query.
func (idx *Index) Search(query string) []int {
    if query == "" {
        return []int{}
    ret := make(map[int]bool)
    arr := strings.Fields(query)
    fl := 0
    for i := range arr {
        if idx.m[arr[i]] == nil {
            return []int{}
        if fl == 0 {
            for value := range idx.m[arr[i]] {
                ret[value] = true
            fl = 1
        } else {
            tmp := make(map[int]bool)
            for value := range ret {
                if idx.m[arr[i]][value] == true {
                    tmp[value] = true
            ret = tmp
    ret_arr := []int{}
    for value := range ret {
        ret_arr = append(ret_arr, value-1)
    return ret_arr

type Index struct {
    m map[string]map[int]bool
// New creates a fulltext search index for the given documents
func New(docs []string) *Index {
    m := make(map[string]map[int]bool)

    for i := 0; i < len(docs); i++ {
        words := strings.Fields(docs[i])
        for j := 0; j < len(words); j++ {
            if m[words[j]] == nil {
                m[words[j]] = make(map[int]bool)
            m[words[j]][i+1] = true
    return &(Index{m})

// Search returns a slice of unique ids of documents that contain all words from the query.
func (idx *Index) Search(query string) []int {
    if query == "" {
        return []int{}
    ret := make(map[int]bool)
    arr := strings.Fields(query)
    fl := 0
    for i := range arr {
        if idx.m[arr[i]] == nil {
            return []int{}
        if fl == 0 {
            for value := range idx.m[arr[i]] {
                ret[value] = true
            fl = 1
        } else {
            tmp := make(map[int]bool)
            for value := range ret {
                if idx.m[arr[i]][value] == true {
                    tmp[value] = true
            ret = tmp
    ret_arr := []int{}
    for value := range ret {
        ret_arr = append(ret_arr, value-1)
    return ret_arr



struct TrieNode{
    map[char] children      // maps character to children
    set[int] contains       // set of all ids of documents that contain the word

// classic search function in trie, except it returns a set of document ids instead of a simple boolean
function get_doc_ids(TrieNode node, string w, int depth){
    if (depth == length(w)){
        return node.contains
    } else {
        if (node.hasChild(w[depth]) {
            return get_doc_ids(node.getChild(w[depth], w, depth+1)
        } else {
            return empty_set()

// the answering query function, as straight forward as it can be
function answer_query(TrieNode root, list_of_words L){
    n = length(L)
    result = get_docs_ids(root, L[0], 0)
    for i from 1 to n-1 do {
        result = intersection(result, get_docs_ids(root, L[i], 0))  // set intersection 
        if (result.is_empty()){
            break  // no documents contains them all, no need to check further
    return result

// New creates a fulltext search index for the given documents
func New(docs []string) *Index {
    m := make(map[string]map[int]bool)

    for i := 0; i < len(docs); i++ {
        words := strings.Fields(docs[i])
        for j := 0; j < len(words); j++ {
            if m[words[j]] == nil {
                m[words[j]] = make(map[int]bool)
            m[words[j]][i+1] = true
    return &(Index{m})

// Search returns a slice of unique ids of documents that contain all words from the query.
func (idx *Index) Search(query string) []int {
    if query == "" {
        return []int{}
    ret := make(map[int]bool)
    arr := strings.Fields(query)
    fl := 0
    for i := range arr {
        if idx.m[arr[i]] == nil {
            return []int{}
        if fl == 0 {
            for value := range idx.m[arr[i]] {
                ret[value] = true
            fl = 1
        } else {
            tmp := make(map[int]bool)
            for value := range ret {
                if idx.m[arr[i]][value] == true {
                    tmp[value] = true
            ret = tmp
    ret_arr := []int{}
    for value := range ret {
        ret_arr = append(ret_arr, value-1)
    return ret_arr
struct TrieNode{
    map[char] children      // maps character to children
    set[int] contains       // set of all ids of documents that contain the word

// classic search function in trie, except it returns a set of document ids instead of a simple boolean
function get_doc_ids(TrieNode node, string w, int depth){
    if (depth == length(w)){
        return node.contains
    } else {
        if (node.hasChild(w[depth]) {
            return get_doc_ids(node.getChild(w[depth], w, depth+1)
        } else {
            return empty_set()

// the answering query function, as straight forward as it can be
function answer_query(TrieNode root, list_of_words L){
    n = length(L)
    result = get_docs_ids(root, L[0], 0)
    for i from 1 to n-1 do {
        result = intersection(result, get_docs_ids(root, L[i], 0))  // set intersection 
        if (result.is_empty()){
            break  // no documents contains them all, no need to check further
    return result