如何使用grails 3.3.9在RestBuilder的post请求中发送头

如何使用grails 3.3.9在RestBuilder的post请求中发送头,grails,groovy,Grails,Groovy,我有上面的代码。当我通过API调用发送post请求时,我得到一个异常“代理票证必须作为标头中的参数发送”。我不知道代码出了什么问题。有人能帮我吗?有不同的方法。这应该起作用: Response response = new RestBuilder.post(finalUrl){ header: ["ticket", "getProxyTicket()", "name", "abc", "id", "1"



Response response = new RestBuilder.post(finalUrl){
         header: ["ticket", "getProxyTicket()",
                  "name", "abc",
                  "id", "1"
        contentType: application/json
        json data
new RestBuilder().post(finalUrl){
     // this will work if you want the value
     // of the ticket header to be the literal "getProxyTicket()".
     // if you are trying to invoke a method and you want the return
     // value of that method to be the header value, remove the double
     // quotes around getProxyTicket()
     header "ticket", "getProxyTicket()"
     header "name", "abc"
     header "id", "1"

    // no need to set the content type, the 
    // json method below will do that
    // contentType: application/json
    json data