
Groovy:创建新的xml结构以及如何在构建时插入新节点,groovy,xml-parsing,Groovy,Xml Parsing,我在Groovy中遇到了一点xml解析问题。 这就是我的数据的样子: ID 001=1234 sID 001=q8b6v d1 001=some Text d2 001=more Text2 tzh 001=data dse 001=data ID 001=567823 sID 001=l3n37v2 d1 001=some Text d2 001=more Text2 hrg 001=data


ID      001=1234
sID     001=q8b6v
d1      001=some Text
d2      001=more Text2
tzh     001=data
dse     001=data
ID      001=567823
sID     001=l3n37v2
d1      001=some Text
d2      001=more Text2
hrg     001=data
dfe     001=data


What I get:
    <field name='ID'>00573419</field>
    <field name='sID'>20120110572</field>
    <field name='d1'>some Text</field>
    <field name='ID'>00573406</field>
    <field name='sID'>20120111110</field>
    <field name='d1'>some Text2</field>



import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder

dataFile = new File( 'data.txt' )

// A closure that will add a new doc element to our xml
def addDoc = { builder, data ->
  builder.doc {
    data.each { k, v ->
      builder.field( name:k, v )

String result = new StringWriter().with { out -> // create a StringWriter
  new MarkupBuilder( out ).with { xml ->         // pass it to MarkupBuilder
    add {                                        // create our root level element
      def data = [:]
      // Then, for each line in our input file
      dataFile.eachLine { line ->
        // Get the key and value as you had it
        def (key,value) = line.split( /001=/ )*.trim()
        // Just use the keys we want
        if( key in [ 'ID', 'sID', 'd1' ] ) {
          // If we have a new ID and we have data
          if( key == 'ID' && data ) {
            // Add it to the document
            addDoc( xml, data )
            // And start again with a new map
            data = [ ID: value ]
          else {
            // Otherwise, just add the key to the map
            data[ key ] = value
      // So, we've run out of lines. If we have data, write it in
      if( data ) addDoc( xml, data )
  // Convert our StringWriter to a String (this goes into the variable `result)
// And print it out
println result


import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder

dataFile = new File( 'data.txt' )

// A closure that will add a new doc element to our xml
def addDoc = { builder, data ->
  builder.doc {
    data.each { k, v ->
      builder.field( name:k, v )

String result = new StringWriter().with { out -> // create a StringWriter
  new MarkupBuilder( out ).with { xml ->         // pass it to MarkupBuilder
    add {                                        // create our root level element
      def data = [:]
      // Then, for each line in our input file
      dataFile.eachLine { line ->
        // Get the key and value as you had it
        def (key,value) = line.split( /001=/ )*.trim()
        // Just use the keys we want
        if( key in [ 'ID', 'sID', 'd1' ] ) {
          // If we have a new ID and we have data
          if( key == 'ID' && data ) {
            // Add it to the document
            addDoc( xml, data )
            // And start again with a new map
            data = [ ID: value ]
          else {
            // Otherwise, just add the key to the map
            data[ key ] = value
      // So, we've run out of lines. If we have data, write it in
      if( data ) addDoc( xml, data )
  // Convert our StringWriter to a String (this goes into the variable `result)
// And print it out
println result



import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder

dataFile = new File( 'data.txt' )

// A closure that will add a new doc element to our xml
def addDoc = { builder, data ->
  builder.doc {
    data.each { k, v ->
      builder.field( name:k, v )

String result = new StringWriter().with { out -> // create a StringWriter
  new MarkupBuilder( out ).with { xml ->         // pass it to MarkupBuilder
    add {                                        // create our root level element
      def data = [:]
      // Then, for each line in our input file
      dataFile.eachLine { line ->
        // Get the key and value as you had it
        def (key,value) = line.split( /001=/ )*.trim()
        // Just use the keys we want
        if( key in [ 'ID', 'sID', 'd1' ] ) {
          // If we have a new ID and we have data
          if( key == 'ID' && data ) {
            // Add it to the document
            addDoc( xml, data )
            // And start again with a new map
            data = [ ID: value ]
          else {
            // Otherwise, just add the key to the map
            data[ key ] = value
      // So, we've run out of lines. If we have data, write it in
      if( data ) addDoc( xml, data )
  // Convert our StringWriter to a String (this goes into the variable `result)
// And print it out
println result