
如何在Haskell中将树数据结构保存为二进制文件,haskell,functional-programming,binary-tree,monads,monad-transformers,Haskell,Functional Programming,Binary Tree,Monads,Monad Transformers,我试图使用Haskell将一个简单(但相当大)的树结构保存到一个二进制文件中。结构看起来像这样: -- For simplicity assume each Node has only 4 childs data Tree = Node [Tree] | Leaf [Int] --为简单起见,假设每个节点只有4个子节点 数据树=节点[Tree]|叶[Int] 下面是我如何需要磁盘上的数据外观: 每个节点从其子节点的四个32位偏移开始,然后跟随子节点 我不太关心leaf,假设它只是n个连续的32位

我试图使用Haskell将一个简单(但相当大)的树结构保存到一个二进制文件中。结构看起来像这样: -- For simplicity assume each Node has only 4 childs data Tree = Node [Tree] | Leaf [Int] --为简单起见,假设每个节点只有4个子节点 数据树=节点[Tree]|叶[Int] 下面是我如何需要磁盘上的数据外观:

  • 每个节点从其子节点的四个32位偏移开始,然后跟随子节点
  • 我不太关心leaf,假设它只是n个连续的32位数字
  • 出于实际目的,我需要一些节点标签或其他一些附加数据 但现在我也不太在乎
  • 我觉得Haskeller在编写二进制文件时的第一选择是Data.binary.Put库。但是我有一个问题。特别是,当我要将节点写入文件时,要写下子偏移量,我需要知道当前偏移量和每个子偏移量的大小

    这不是Data.Binary.Put提供的东西,所以我认为这一定是Monad transformers的完美应用。尽管听起来很酷,很实用,但到目前为止,我还没有成功地使用这种方法




    < P>有两种基本的方法我会考虑。如果整个序列化结构可以很容易地放入内存中,那么可以将每个节点序列化为一个lazy bytestring,并使用每个节点的长度来计算相对于当前位置的偏移量

    serializeTree (Leaf nums)  = runPut (mapM_ putInt32 nums)
    serializeTree (Node subtrees) = mconcat $ header : childBs
      childBs = map serializeTree subtrees
      offsets = scanl (\acc bs -> acc+L.length bs) (fromIntegral $ 2*length subtrees) childBs
      header = runPut (mapM_ putInt32 $ init offsets)




    import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
    import Data.Binary.Put
    import Data.Word
    import Data.List (foldl')
    data Tree = Node [Tree] | Leaf [Word32] deriving Show
    makeTree 0 = Leaf $ replicate 100 0xdeadbeef
    makeTree n = Node $ replicate 4 $ makeTree $ n-1


    putTree :: Tree -> SizeTree -> Put
    putTree (Node xs) (SNode _ ys) = do
      putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ length xs          -- number of children
      mapM_ (putWord32be . fromIntegral . sz) ys   -- sizes of children
      sequence_ [putTree x y | (x,y) <- zip xs ys] -- children data
    putTree (Leaf xs) _ = do
      putWord8 0                                   -- zero means 'leaf'
      putWord32be $ fromIntegral $ length xs       -- data length
      mapM_ putWord32be xs                         -- leaf data
    mkSizeTree :: Tree -> SizeTree
    mkSizeTree (Leaf xs) = SLeaf (1 + 4 + 4 * length xs)
    mkSizeTree (Node xs) = SNode (1 + 4 * length xs + sum' (map sz ys)) ys
        ys = map mkSizeTree xs
        sum' = foldl' (+) 0



    -- Paste this into TreeBinary.hs, and compile with
    --    ghc -O2 --make TreeBinary.hs -o TreeBinary
    module Main where
    import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
    import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as B
    import Data.List (init)
    import Data.Monoid
    import Data.Word
    -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- Test data.
    data Tree = Node [Tree] | Leaf [Word32] deriving Show
    -- Approximate size in memory (ignoring laziness) I think is:
    -- 101 * 4^9 * sizeof(Int) + 1/3 * 4^9 * sizeof(Node)
    -- This version uses [Word32] instead of [Int] to avoid having to write
    -- a builder for Int.  This is an example of lazy programming instead
    -- of lazy evaluation. 
    makeTree :: Tree
    makeTree = makeTree1 9
      where makeTree1 0 = Leaf [0..100]
            makeTree1 n = Node [ makeTree1 $ n - 1
                               , makeTree1 $ n - 1
                               , makeTree1 $ n - 1
                               , makeTree1 $ n - 1 ]
    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- The actual serialisation code.
    -- | Given a tree, return a builder for it and its estimated length in bytes.
    serialiseTree :: Tree -> (B.Builder, Word32)
    serialiseTree (Leaf ns) = (mconcat (B.singleton 2 : map B.putWord32be ns), fromIntegral $ 4 * length ns + 1)
    serialiseTree (Node ts) = (mconcat (B.singleton 1 : map B.putWord32be offsets ++ branches), 
                               baseLength + sum subLengths)
          (branches, subLengths) = unzip $ map serialiseTree ts
          baseLength = fromIntegral $ 1 + 4 * length ts
          offsets = init $ scanl (+) baseLength subLengths
    main = do
       putStrLn $ "Length = " ++ show (snd $ serialiseTree makeTree)
       BL.writeFile "test.bin" $ B.toLazyByteString $ fst $ serialiseTree makeTree

    这棵树有多大,你能想象你要创建的文件有多大?这个问题的答案决定了您是否可以使用任何类型的put类型结构,或者您是否需要涉及单次遍历但修改结构中已写入部分的内容……二进制序列化通常需要知道要写入的数据的大小(例如,列表以长度作为前缀)。你能接受文本序列化(可能是更大的文件)吗?如果失败了,您可以通过写入中间文件并将它们缝合在一起来实现一些技巧(虽然很可怕,但也有可能)。此外,在测试代码中,输入是合成的-如果您的真实数据不是合成的,您可能会将其存储在内存中,这样正常的二进制序列化就不会强制执行堆中没有的任何内容。@sclv,上面的链接“我到目前为止得到了什么”指向我已经工作了一段时间的更大程序的摘录。在最初的程序中,我读取了一个具有类似结构的二进制文件,对其进行转换(主要是为了使每个节点没有太多子节点),然后想将其保存回去。源文件的大小在50MB到200MB之间,所以我想目标文件的大小应该是相似的。@stephen tetley,不幸的是,格式必须保持原样(对它有一些强制要求)。我在开发机器上有大约4GB的内存,我不介意把它花在数据上,但我认为有些超出我理解的东西占用了内存,远远超过了所需的内存。内存中是否已经存在树?或者,它是根据需求惰性地计算的?如果是后者,那么您的“泄漏”可能是整个树的创建。这会起作用,但是我认为我的解决方案会更节省内存。这是因为我的方法将允许在序列化每个子树之后收集它,并且bytestring序列化应该比实际的树小得多。@John——你可能是对的。您的解决方案实际上是一次性的,但不是完全流式的。
    serialize mkTree size = runPut $ putTree (mkTree size) treeSize
        treeSize = mkSizeTree $ mkTree size
    main = L.writeFile "dump.bin" $ serialize makeTree 10
    -- Paste this into TreeBinary.hs, and compile with
    --    ghc -O2 --make TreeBinary.hs -o TreeBinary
    module Main where
    import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
    import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as B
    import Data.List (init)
    import Data.Monoid
    import Data.Word
    -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- Test data.
    data Tree = Node [Tree] | Leaf [Word32] deriving Show
    -- Approximate size in memory (ignoring laziness) I think is:
    -- 101 * 4^9 * sizeof(Int) + 1/3 * 4^9 * sizeof(Node)
    -- This version uses [Word32] instead of [Int] to avoid having to write
    -- a builder for Int.  This is an example of lazy programming instead
    -- of lazy evaluation. 
    makeTree :: Tree
    makeTree = makeTree1 9
      where makeTree1 0 = Leaf [0..100]
            makeTree1 n = Node [ makeTree1 $ n - 1
                               , makeTree1 $ n - 1
                               , makeTree1 $ n - 1
                               , makeTree1 $ n - 1 ]
    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- The actual serialisation code.
    -- | Given a tree, return a builder for it and its estimated length in bytes.
    serialiseTree :: Tree -> (B.Builder, Word32)
    serialiseTree (Leaf ns) = (mconcat (B.singleton 2 : map B.putWord32be ns), fromIntegral $ 4 * length ns + 1)
    serialiseTree (Node ts) = (mconcat (B.singleton 1 : map B.putWord32be offsets ++ branches), 
                               baseLength + sum subLengths)
          (branches, subLengths) = unzip $ map serialiseTree ts
          baseLength = fromIntegral $ 1 + 4 * length ts
          offsets = init $ scanl (+) baseLength subLengths
    main = do
       putStrLn $ "Length = " ++ show (snd $ serialiseTree makeTree)
       BL.writeFile "test.bin" $ B.toLazyByteString $ fst $ serialiseTree makeTree