Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/7/image/5.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Image 从图像文件读取像素颜色的打印数据重建_Image_Haskell_Colors_Plot_Pixel - Fatal编程技术网

Image 从图像文件读取像素颜色的打印数据重建

Image 从图像文件读取像素颜色的打印数据重建,image,haskell,colors,plot,pixel,Image,Haskell,Colors,Plot,Pixel,如何在Haskell中打开和读取图像文件特定像素的颜色?您推荐哪些软件包、功能 您可以查看下面引用的绘图和重建的数据,了解我想自动化的内容。我用Gimp处理这个特殊的图形,并手动在线条上标记点 如果你不能用Haskell的例子来回答这个问题,但是你知道有一个好的软件可以自动处理这种类型的重建工作,请告诉我他们的名字 致以最良好的祝愿, 塞汀塞特 更新:现在有一个跨平台的Haskell软件包: (来源:) 表中从上到下是从左到右 如图所示 可以使用和编写一些简单的扫描仪: module Main




致以最良好的祝愿, 塞汀塞特



表中从上到下是从左到右 如图所示


module Main where

import System.Environment
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Exit
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Data.Array.Storable
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Codec.Image.PNG

type Name  = String
type Color = RGBA

data RGBA = RGBA Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8 deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

instance Storable RGBA where
  sizeOf _    = sizeOf (0 :: Word8) * 4
  alignment _ = 1
  poke color (RGBA r g b a) = do
        let byte :: Ptr Word8 = castPtr color
        pokeElemOff byte 0 r
        pokeElemOff byte 1 g
        pokeElemOff byte 2 b
        pokeElemOff byte 3 a
  peek color = do
        let byte :: Ptr Word8 = castPtr color
        r <- peekElemOff byte 0
        g <- peekElemOff byte 1
        b <- peekElemOff byte 2
        a <- peekElemOff byte 3
        return $ RGBA r g b a


checkForAlpha :: PNGImage -> IO ()
checkForAlpha (hasAlphaChannel -> True) = return ()
checkForAlpha (hasAlphaChannel -> _   ) = putStrLn "no alpha channel going on!!!" >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)


main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn $ "ExPloRe 0.0 : Experimental Plot Reconstructor"

  args@(path:legend_:tr_:tg_:tb_:ta_:start_:step_:_) <- getArgs

  -- initialize image
  Right img <- loadPNGFile path
  let bitmap  = imageData  img
  let (wu,hu) = dimensions img
  let (w,h)   = (fromIntegral wu, fromIntegral hu)

  putStrLn $ "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
  putStrLn $ ""
  putStrLn $ "call  : " ++ tail (filter (/= '"') $ concatMap ((' ':) . show) args)
  putStrLn $ ""

  putStrLn $ "image : " ++ path
  putStrLn $ "legend: " ++ legend_
  putStrLn $ ""

  putStrLn $ "width : " ++ show w
  putStrLn $ "height: " ++ show h

  checkForAlpha img -- !!

  -- initialize lines
  let [tr,tg,tb,ta] = map read [tr_,tg_,tb_,ta_] :: [Int]
  mapM_ (\(n,v) -> putStrLn $ show n ++ " ~ : " ++ show v) $ zip "rgba" [tr,tg,tb,ta]

  lines_ <- readFile legend_
  let lines = read lines_ :: [(Name,Color)]

  putStrLn $ "lines : " ++ (show $ length lines)
  putStrLn $ ""
  mapM_ (putStrLn . show) lines

  -- initialize scan

  let (@#)   = mu w
  let start  = read start_ :: Double
  let step   = read step_  :: Double
  let rows   = [0..h]
  let cols   = takeWhile (< w) $ map (floor . (start +) . (step *)) [0..]
  let icols  = zip [1..] cols

  -- scan bitmap
  let (~=) = mcc tr tg tb ta
  mapM_ (scan bitmap icols rows (@#) (~=)) lines


scan bitmap icols rows (@#) (~=) (name,color) = do
  putStrLn $ ""
  putStrLn $ "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
  putStrLn $ show color
  putStrLn $ ""
  putStrLn $ name
  putStrLn $ ""
  withStorableArray bitmap $ \byte -> do
        let pixel :: Ptr RGBA = castPtr byte
        forM_ icols $ \(n,j) -> do
            let matches = flip filter rows $ \i -> (pixel @# i) j ~= color
            let m = median matches
            putStrLn $ case not . null $ matches of
                True  -> show n ++ "\t" ++ show j ++ "\t" ++ show m ++ "\t" ++ show matches
                False -> show n ++ "\t" ++ show j ++ "\t   \t[]"

cb t x y = (abs $ (fromIntegral x) - (fromIntegral y)) < t

mcc :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> RGBA -> RGBA -> Bool
mcc tr tg tb ta (RGBA a b c d) (RGBA x y z w) =
  cb tr a x && cb tg b y && cb tb c z && cb ta d w

median :: [a] -> a
median xs = xs !! (fromIntegral . floor . (/ 2) . fromIntegral . length) xs

(@!) :: Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
(@!) = peekElemOff

mu :: Storable a => Int -> Ptr a -> Int -> Int -> a
mu w p j i = unsafePerformIO $ p @! (i + j * w)
sizeOf u=sizeOf(0::Word8)*4
戳颜色(RGBA r g b a)=do
let byte::Ptr Word8=castpr color
pokeElemOff字节0 r
pokeElemOff字节1 g
pokeElemOff字节2 b
pokeElemOff字节3 a
peek color=do
let byte::Ptr Word8=castpr color
r>exitWith(ExitFailure 1)
args@(路径:图例\:tr \:tg \:tb \:ta \:start \:step \:do)do
让matches=flip filter rows$\i->(pixel@#i)j~=color
False->show n++“\t”+++show j++”\t\t[]
cb t x y=(abs$(从积分x)-(从积分y))Int->Int->Int->RGBA->RGBA->Bool
mcc tr tg tb ta(RGBA a b c d)(RGBA x y z w)=
cb tr a x和cb tg b y和cb tb c z和cb ta d w
(@!)::可存储a=>Ptr a->Int->IO a
mu::可存储a=>Int->Ptr a->Int->Int->a
mu w p j i=不安全性能$p@!(i+j*w)
module Main where

import System.Environment
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Exit
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Data.Array.Storable
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Codec.Image.PNG

type Name  = String
type Color = RGBA

data RGBA = RGBA Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8 deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

instance Storable RGBA where
  sizeOf _    = sizeOf (0 :: Word8) * 4
  alignment _ = 1
  poke color (RGBA r g b a) = do
        let byte :: Ptr Word8 = castPtr color
        pokeElemOff byte 0 r
        pokeElemOff byte 1 g
        pokeElemOff byte 2 b
        pokeElemOff byte 3 a
  peek color = do
        let byte :: Ptr Word8 = castPtr color
        r <- peekElemOff byte 0
        g <- peekElemOff byte 1
        b <- peekElemOff byte 2
        a <- peekElemOff byte 3
        return $ RGBA r g b a


checkForAlpha :: PNGImage -> IO ()
checkForAlpha (hasAlphaChannel -> True) = return ()
checkForAlpha (hasAlphaChannel -> _   ) = putStrLn "no alpha channel going on!!!" >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)


main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn $ "ExPloRe 0.0 : Experimental Plot Reconstructor"

  args@(path:legend_:tr_:tg_:tb_:ta_:start_:step_:_) <- getArgs

  -- initialize image
  Right img <- loadPNGFile path
  let bitmap  = imageData  img
  let (wu,hu) = dimensions img
  let (w,h)   = (fromIntegral wu, fromIntegral hu)

  putStrLn $ "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
  putStrLn $ ""
  putStrLn $ "call  : " ++ tail (filter (/= '"') $ concatMap ((' ':) . show) args)
  putStrLn $ ""

  putStrLn $ "image : " ++ path
  putStrLn $ "legend: " ++ legend_
  putStrLn $ ""

  putStrLn $ "width : " ++ show w
  putStrLn $ "height: " ++ show h

  checkForAlpha img -- !!

  -- initialize lines
  let [tr,tg,tb,ta] = map read [tr_,tg_,tb_,ta_] :: [Int]
  mapM_ (\(n,v) -> putStrLn $ show n ++ " ~ : " ++ show v) $ zip "rgba" [tr,tg,tb,ta]

  lines_ <- readFile legend_
  let lines = read lines_ :: [(Name,Color)]

  putStrLn $ "lines : " ++ (show $ length lines)
  putStrLn $ ""
  mapM_ (putStrLn . show) lines

  -- initialize scan

  let (@#)   = mu w
  let start  = read start_ :: Double
  let step   = read step_  :: Double
  let rows   = [0..h]
  let cols   = takeWhile (< w) $ map (floor . (start +) . (step *)) [0..]
  let icols  = zip [1..] cols

  -- scan bitmap
  let (~=) = mcc tr tg tb ta
  mapM_ (scan bitmap icols rows (@#) (~=)) lines


scan bitmap icols rows (@#) (~=) (name,color) = do
  putStrLn $ ""
  putStrLn $ "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
  putStrLn $ show color
  putStrLn $ ""
  putStrLn $ name
  putStrLn $ ""
  withStorableArray bitmap $ \byte -> do
        let pixel :: Ptr RGBA = castPtr byte
        forM_ icols $ \(n,j) -> do
            let matches = flip filter rows $ \i -> (pixel @# i) j ~= color
            let m = median matches
            putStrLn $ case not . null $ matches of
                True  -> show n ++ "\t" ++ show j ++ "\t" ++ show m ++ "\t" ++ show matches
                False -> show n ++ "\t" ++ show j ++ "\t   \t[]"

cb t x y = (abs $ (fromIntegral x) - (fromIntegral y)) < t

mcc :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> RGBA -> RGBA -> Bool
mcc tr tg tb ta (RGBA a b c d) (RGBA x y z w) =
  cb tr a x && cb tg b y && cb tb c z && cb ta d w

median :: [a] -> a
median xs = xs !! (fromIntegral . floor . (/ 2) . fromIntegral . length) xs

(@!) :: Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
(@!) = peekElemOff

mu :: Storable a => Int -> Ptr a -> Int -> Int -> a
mu w p j i = unsafePerformIO $ p @! (i + j * w)