Ios 通过两个具有节的不同NSFetchedResultsController查看单个表

Ios 通过两个具有节的不同NSFetchedResultsController查看单个表,ios,uitableview,core-data,swift3,nsfetchedresultscontroller,Ios,Uitableview,Core Data,Swift3,Nsfetchedresultscontroller,大家早上好。我使用的是Swift 3.1.1,Xcode 8.3.2。我需要通过两个不同的NSFetchedResultsController将单个表视图连接到核心数据中的两个不同表(实体)。我创建了两个NSFetchedResultsController,甚至从表中提取了数据,但我面临的问题是如何告诉表视图第一个控制器应该响应第一节,第二个控制器应该负责第二节。 我可以向您展示代码: import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController {

大家早上好。我使用的是Swift 3.1.1,Xcode 8.3.2。我需要通过两个不同的NSFetchedResultsController将单个表视图连接到核心数据中的两个不同表(实体)。我创建了两个NSFetchedResultsController,甚至从表中提取了数据,但我面临的问题是如何告诉表视图第一个控制器应该响应第一节,第二个控制器应该负责第二节。 我可以向您展示代码:

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var tv: UITableView!

    @IBAction func pressed(_ sender: UIButton) { { table1 in
   { table2 in
                if table1.isEmpty {
           [(a: 1, b: "a"), (a: 2, b: "b"), (a: 3, b: "c")]) {
               [(a: 4, b: 5.0, c: true), (a: 6, b: 7.0, c: false)]) {
                } else {

    var fetchedResultsControllerForModelA = CoreDataFunctions.fetchedResultsController
    var fetchedResultsControllerForModelB = CoreDataFunctions.fetchedResultsController

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    func modelOfTableA(indexPath: IndexPath) -> (forLabel1: String, forLabel2: String, forLabel3: String)? {
        if let fetchedResultsControllerForModelA = CoreDataFunctions.getNSManagedObjectForIndexPathOfTable(fetchedResultsController: fetchedResultsControllerForModelA, indexPath: indexPath) {
            if let model = fetchedResultsControllerForModelA) {
                return (forLabel1: "\(model.a)", forLabel2: model.b, forLabel3: "")
        return nil

    func modelOfTableB(indexPath: IndexPath) -> (forLabel1: String, forLabel2: String, forLabel3: String)? {
        if let fetchedResultsControllerForModelB = CoreDataFunctions.getNSManagedObjectForIndexPathOfTable(fetchedResultsController: fetchedResultsControllerForModelB, indexPath: indexPath) {
            if let model = fetchedResultsControllerForModelB) {
                return (forLabel1: "\(model.a)", forLabel2: "\(model.b)", forLabel3: "\(model.c)")
        return nil

    func tvReload() {
        fetchedResultsControllerForModelA = CoreDataFunctions(tableName: .a).fetchedResultsController(keyForSort: ModelA.a.rawValue, searchParameters: nil)
        fetchedResultsControllerForModelB = CoreDataFunctions(tableName: .b).fetchedResultsController(keyForSort: ModelB.a.rawValue, searchParameters: nil)

        do {
            try fetchedResultsControllerForModelA?.performFetch()
            try fetchedResultsControllerForModelB?.performFetch()

            DispatchQueue.main.async {
        } catch {

    func numberOfSectionsInTableView(_ tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return 1

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        if let sections1 = fetchedResultsControllerForModelA?.sections {
            if let sections2 = fetchedResultsControllerForModelB?.sections {
                return sections1[section].numberOfObjects + sections2[section].numberOfObjects
            return sections1[section].numberOfObjects
        return 0

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! TableViewCell

        if indexPath.section == 0 {
            if let modelOfTable = modelOfTableA(indexPath: indexPath) {
                cell.l1.text = modelOfTable.forLabel1
                cell.l2.text = modelOfTable.forLabel2
                cell.l3.text = modelOfTable.forLabel3
        } else {
            if let modelOfTable = modelOfTableB(indexPath: indexPath) {
                cell.l1.text = modelOfTable.forLabel1
                cell.l2.text = modelOfTable.forLabel2
                cell.l3.text = modelOfTable.forLabel3

        return cell



1) 如果希望数据填充表中的两个部分,则该表必须有两个部分-当前,您仅返回1,因此请使用此选项(尽管您可能希望/需要根据检索到的数据进行不同的处理):

2) 对于每个部分中的行数,您的代码很接近,但不完全正确

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {

    if section == 0 {
        if let sections = fetchedResultsControllerForModelA?.sections {
            return sections[0].numberOfObjects
    } else {
        if let sections = fetchedResultsControllerForModelB?.sections {
            return sections[0].numberOfObjects

    return 0

3) 对于实际的cellForRowAtIndexPath数据,您的代码也很接近,但您需要跟踪每个部分要获取的数据

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! TableViewCell

    if indexPath.section == 0 {
        if let modelOfTable = modelOfTableA(indexPath: indexPath) {
            cell.l1.text = modelOfTable.forLabel1
            cell.l2.text = modelOfTable.forLabel2
            cell.l3.text = modelOfTable.forLabel3
    } else {
        // Each "Table data model" has only one section... since this is the 2nd table section, we need
        //  to change the section of the index path for our call to the data model
        let dataIndexPath = IndexPath(row: indexPath.row, section: 0)
        if let modelOfTable = modelOfTableB(indexPath: dataIndexPath) {
            cell.l1.text = modelOfTable.forLabel1
            cell.l2.text = modelOfTable.forLabel2
            cell.l3.text = modelOfTable.forLabel3

    return cell


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! TableViewCell

    if indexPath.section == 0 {
        if let modelOfTable = modelOfTableA(indexPath: indexPath) {
            cell.l1.text = modelOfTable.forLabel1
            cell.l2.text = modelOfTable.forLabel2
            cell.l3.text = modelOfTable.forLabel3
    } else {
        // Each "Table data model" has only one section... since this is the 2nd table section, we need
        //  to change the section of the index path for our call to the data model
        let dataIndexPath = IndexPath(row: indexPath.row, section: 0)
        if let modelOfTable = modelOfTableB(indexPath: dataIndexPath) {
            cell.l1.text = modelOfTable.forLabel1
            cell.l2.text = modelOfTable.forLabel2
            cell.l3.text = modelOfTable.forLabel3

    return cell