Java 使用随机数执行命令A时间百分比、命令B时间百分比、命令C时间百分比------命令Z时间百分比

Java 使用随机数执行命令A时间百分比、命令B时间百分比、命令C时间百分比------命令Z时间百分比,java,random,Java,Random,问题陈述:通过匹配其百分比随机执行各种命令。 如执行CommandA 50%的时间和commandB 25%的时间和commandC 15%的时间等,总百分比应为100% 我的问题是-执行命令A%的时间,命令B% 时间的百分比,CommandC时间的百分比--CommandZ时间的百分比。 总的百分比应该是100%,最后我可以看到 每个命令执行多少次,执行的时间是多少 每个命令的百分比表示每个命令执行的次数 以总执行完成后的百分比表示正在执行 想法:- 生成一个介于1和100之间的随机数,看看是

问题陈述:通过匹配其百分比随机执行各种命令。 如执行CommandA 50%的时间和commandB 25%的时间和commandC 15%的时间等,总百分比应为100%

我的问题是-执行命令A%的时间,命令B% 时间的百分比,CommandC时间的百分比--CommandZ时间的百分比。 总的百分比应该是100%,最后我可以看到 每个命令执行多少次,执行的时间是多少 每个命令的百分比表示每个命令执行的次数 以总执行完成后的百分比表示正在执行

想法:- 生成一个介于1和100之间的随机数,看看是否有任何百分比属于该类别

List<Double> comamndDistribution = new ArrayList<Double>();

    /* Commands to execute. Here I have Z command 
    *  and total percentage should be 100% (A+B+C+D+...+Z=100%)
        comamndDistribution.add(A%); // command A
        comamndDistribution.add(B%); // command B
        comamndDistribution.add(C%); // command C
        comamndDistribution.add(D%); // command D
        comamndDistribution.add(E%); // command E
        comamndDistribution.add(Z%); // command Z

private Command getNextCommandToExecute() {

    for (int i=0; i < 10000; i++) {
       // generating a random number between 1 and 100
      int random = r.nextInt(100-1) + 1;

    /* My Question is- Execute CommandA A% of time, CommandB B% 
       of time, CommandC C% of time ----- Command Z Z% of time. 
       And total percentage should be 100% and at the end I can see
       how much times each command is being executed and what is 
       the percentage of each command(means how many times each command is 
       being executed in terms of percentage) after total execution is complete.

/* Get the next command to execute by maintaining the Percentage of 
    each command randomly*/
    Command nextCommand = getNextCommandToExecute();




class RandomCommands {
  // A Map that associates each command with a threshold from 0 - totalWeights.
  // The order of iteration is the same as the order of insertion.
  private Map<int, Command> commands = new LinkedHashMap<int, Command>>();

  // Running total of the weights of all of the commands.  The likelihood that
  // particular command will be executed is its weight / totalWeights.
  private int totalWeights = 0;

  // Adds a command with the specified weight, which can be any positive integer.
  public void addCommand(int weight, Command command) {
    commands.put(totalWeights, command);
    totalWeights += weight;

  // Chooses a random command.
  public Command getRandomCommand() {
    // Choose a random number to select a command.
    int selector = Random.nextInt(totalWeights);

    // Find the corresponding command.
    for (Element<int, Command> command : commands) {
      if (command.key >= selector) {
        return command.value;
      selector -= command.key;

selector command frequency of execution ———————— ——————— ——————————————————————————————————————— 0 - 19 Command1 (1 + 19 - 0) / 80 = 20/80 = 1/4 = 25% 20 - 39 Command2 (1 + 39 - 20) / 80 = 20/80 = 1/4 = 25% 40 - 79 Command3 (1 + 79 - 40) / 80 = 40/80 = 1/2 = 50%

class RandomCommands {
  // A Map that associates each command with a threshold from 0 - totalWeights.
  // The order of iteration is the same as the order of insertion.
  private Map<int, Command> commands = new LinkedHashMap<int, Command>>();

  // Running total of the weights of all of the commands.  The likelihood that
  // particular command will be executed is its weight / totalWeights.
  private int totalWeights = 0;

  // Adds a command with the specified weight, which can be any positive integer.
  public void addCommand(int weight, Command command) {
    commands.put(totalWeights, command);
    totalWeights += weight;

  // Chooses a random command.
  public Command getRandomCommand() {
    // Choose a random number to select a command.
    int selector = Random.nextInt(totalWeights);

    // Find the corresponding command.
    for (Element<int, Command> command : commands) {
      if (command.key >= selector) {
        return command.value;
      selector -= command.key;

selector command frequency of execution ———————— ——————— ——————————————————————————————————————— 0 - 19 Command1 (1 + 19 - 0) / 80 = 20/80 = 1/4 = 25% 20 - 39 Command2 (1 + 39 - 20) / 80 = 20/80 = 1/4 = 25% 40 - 79 Command3 (1 + 79 - 40) / 80 = 40/80 = 1/2 = 50%
我和Adam Liss的做法很相似,但结果更详细


import java.util.*;

  A basic 'Command' class for testing
class Command {
  private String id;
  public Command (String pId) { = pId;
  public void execute () {
    System.out.println ("Command: "+id);

/** The class that does the random selection bit of magic */
public class CommandDist {

  /** an internal helper class to manage proportions and the command */
  class Cmd {
    Command command;                 // the command that will get executed
    double assignedProportion;       // weight assigned when added
    double cumulativeProportion;     // recalculated later to between 0 and 1

    public Cmd (Command c, double proportion) {
      this.command = c;
      this.assignedProportion = proportion;
      this.cumulativeProportion = 0.0;

  // the list I'm using 
  private List<Cmd> commandDistribution = new ArrayList<Cmd>();
  private java.util.Random myRandom = new java.util.Random();

  void addCommand (Command command, double proportion) {
    commandDistribution.add ( new Cmd (command, proportion));

  // ** MUST BE CALLED **, after adding all the commands, to normalise the proportions.
  // you could do this tidier by setting a flag in add, and checking it in
  // getNextCommandToExecute
  void normaliseProportion() {
    double total = 0;
    double cumulativeProp = 0;
    for (Cmd cmd: commandDistribution) {
       total += cmd.assignedProportion;
    for (Cmd cmd: commandDistribution) {
       cumulativeProp += cmd.assignedProportion/total;
       cmd.cumulativeProportion = cumulativeProp;

  private Command getNextCommandToExecute () {
    double d = myRandom.nextDouble();
    for (Cmd cmd: commandDistribution) {
      if (d < cmd.cumulativeProportion) {
        return cmd.command;
    // theoretically, should not get here.  Never rely on theoretically.
    return commandDistribution.get(0).command;


  public static void main (String [] args) {
    CommandDist cd = new CommandDist();
    Command c; 

    cd.addCommand (new Command ("A"), 50.0);
    cd.addCommand (new Command ("B"), 20.0);
    cd.addCommand (new Command ("C"), 15.0);
    cd.addCommand (new Command ("D"), 10.0);


    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
       c = cd.getNextCommandToExecute();


java CommandDist | sort | uniq -c
   5183 Command: A
   2151 Command: B
   1595 Command: C
   1071 Command: D

我和Adam Liss的做法很相似,但结果更详细


import java.util.*;

  A basic 'Command' class for testing
class Command {
  private String id;
  public Command (String pId) { = pId;
  public void execute () {
    System.out.println ("Command: "+id);

/** The class that does the random selection bit of magic */
public class CommandDist {

  /** an internal helper class to manage proportions and the command */
  class Cmd {
    Command command;                 // the command that will get executed
    double assignedProportion;       // weight assigned when added
    double cumulativeProportion;     // recalculated later to between 0 and 1

    public Cmd (Command c, double proportion) {
      this.command = c;
      this.assignedProportion = proportion;
      this.cumulativeProportion = 0.0;

  // the list I'm using 
  private List<Cmd> commandDistribution = new ArrayList<Cmd>();
  private java.util.Random myRandom = new java.util.Random();

  void addCommand (Command command, double proportion) {
    commandDistribution.add ( new Cmd (command, proportion));

  // ** MUST BE CALLED **, after adding all the commands, to normalise the proportions.
  // you could do this tidier by setting a flag in add, and checking it in
  // getNextCommandToExecute
  void normaliseProportion() {
    double total = 0;
    double cumulativeProp = 0;
    for (Cmd cmd: commandDistribution) {
       total += cmd.assignedProportion;
    for (Cmd cmd: commandDistribution) {
       cumulativeProp += cmd.assignedProportion/total;
       cmd.cumulativeProportion = cumulativeProp;

  private Command getNextCommandToExecute () {
    double d = myRandom.nextDouble();
    for (Cmd cmd: commandDistribution) {
      if (d < cmd.cumulativeProportion) {
        return cmd.command;
    // theoretically, should not get here.  Never rely on theoretically.
    return commandDistribution.get(0).command;


  public static void main (String [] args) {
    CommandDist cd = new CommandDist();
    Command c; 

    cd.addCommand (new Command ("A"), 50.0);
    cd.addCommand (new Command ("B"), 20.0);
    cd.addCommand (new Command ("C"), 15.0);
    cd.addCommand (new Command ("D"), 10.0);


    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
       c = cd.getNextCommandToExecute();


java CommandDist | sort | uniq -c
   5183 Command: A
   2151 Command: B
   1595 Command: C
   1071 Command: D
