
在javafx中创建自动完成搜索表单,java,javafx,Java,Javafx,想知道我想要什么 单击文本字段时,会出现下拉列表,其中包含用户在文本字段中键入时过滤掉的建议。箱子的高度也应实时调整,以容纳所有物品,或最多10件物品 我用一个组合框设法让它在某种程度上起作用,但它的边缘感觉有点粗糙,似乎不可能达到我想要的效果(除非关闭并重新打开下拉列表,否则它不会调整大小) 新想法是,创建一个文本字段,然后在下拉列表中显示一个按钮的VBox。唯一的问题是,我不知道如何定位下拉列表,使其不会停留在noral流中,从而可以覆盖文本字段下方的任何现有元素。有什么想法吗?您想做的事






您甚至可以向它添加自定义节点,以便<代码>交叉< /代码>也可以完成。


import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.Background;
import javafx.scene.layout.BackgroundFill;
import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class SearchFormJavaFX  extends Application{

    public void start(Stage ps) throws Exception {
        String[] options = {"How do I get a passport",
                            "How do I delete my Facebook Account",
                            "How can I change my password",
                            "How do I write some code in my question :D"}; 

        // note that you don't need to stick to these types of containers, it's just an example
        StackPane root = new StackPane();
        GridPane container = new GridPane();
        HBox searchBox = new HBox();


        TextField text = new TextField(); 

        // add a listener to listen to the changes in the text field
        text.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
            if(container.getChildren().size()>1){ // if already contains a drop-down menu -> remove it 
            container.add(populateDropDownMenu(newValue, options),0,1); // then add the populated drop-down menu to the second row in the grid pane

        // those buttons just for example
        // note that you can add action listeners to them ..etc
        Button close = new Button("X");
        Button search = new Button("Search");


        // add the search box to first row
        container.add(searchBox, 0, 0);
        // the colors in all containers only for example
        container.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.GRAY, null,null)));


        Scene scene = new Scene(root, 225,300);


    // this method searches for a given text in an array of Strings (i.e. the options)
    // then returns a VBox containing all matches
    public static VBox populateDropDownMenu(String text, String[] options){
        VBox dropDownMenu = new VBox();
        dropDownMenu.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.GREEN, null,null))); // colors just for example
        dropDownMenu.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); // all these are optional and up to you

        for(String option : options){ // loop through every String in the array
            // if the given text is not empty and doesn't consists of spaces only, as well as it's a part of one (or more) of the options
            if(!text.replace(" ", "").isEmpty() && option.toUpperCase().contains(text.toUpperCase())){ 
                Label label = new Label(option); // create a label and set the text 
                // you can add listener to the label here if you want
                // your user to be able to click on the options in the drop-down menu
                dropDownMenu.getChildren().add(label); // add the label to the VBox

        return dropDownMenu; // at the end return the VBox (i.e. drop-down menu)

    public static void main(String[] args) {


对于(int i=0;i
属性的更多信息,因为它可以做您想要做的事情(即,在堆栈窗格中的文本字段下放置其他元素,然后以与上一个索引相同的方式添加和删除下拉菜单)。这就是我第一次让你写代码的方式。但是,功能已经实现,您需要的是与您的问题无关的结构!另外,我问的唯一问题是关于结构。再说一遍,我要为此承担责任,我希望如果我问一个更具体的问题,有人会告诉我另一种方法。不过,我可能应该特别问一下定位问题。并不是说我不欣赏你所做的。任何花时间帮助我的人都很棒!谢谢你这么做,真的。它只是没有回答我的问题。@Alex砰砰地一声,别担心:)这用图书馆吗?就我所见,CustomTextField和TextFields不是类。是的,TextField是javafx.scene.control.TextField的defaut类,CustomTextField是control Fx库中的类
public void pushEmails(TextField Receptient) {
    ArrayList<CustomTextField> list = new ArrayList<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < Sendemails.size(); i++) {
        CustomTextField logo=new CustomTextField(Sendemails.get(i));
        ImageView logoView=new ImageView(new Image("/Images/Gmail.png"));

    TextFields.bindAutoCompletion(Receptient, list);