
如何在Javascript中将JSON字符串值转换为小写?,javascript,json,Javascript,Json,我有一些JSON数据,其中包含字符串和int值的混合。如何将所有字符串值转换为小写 例如: { id: 0, name: "SAMPLe", forms: { formId: 0, id: 0, text: "Sample Text" }} 期望输出: { id: 0, name: "sample", forms: { formId: 0, id: 0, text: "sample text" }} 您需要在对象中递归: 您需要遍历对象 函数lowerStringsobj{ 对于obj中的



{ id: 0, name: "SAMPLe", forms: { formId: 0, id: 0, text: "Sample Text" }}

{ id: 0, name: "sample", forms: { formId: 0, id: 0, text: "sample text" }}



函数lowerStringsobj{ 对于obj中的let attr{ 如果对象的类型[attr]=“string”{ obj[attr]=obj[attr].toLowerCase; }否则,如果对象的类型[attr]=“对象”{ lowerStringsobj[attr]; } } } var obj={ id:0, 名称:样本, 表单:{formId:0,id:0,text:Sample text} }; lowerStringsobj; console.logobj 您可以使用JSON.stringify、JSON.parse和typeof

风险值数据={ id:0, 名称:样本, 表格:{ formId:0, id:0, 文本:示例文本 } }; var res=JSON.parseJSON.stringifydata,functa,b{ 返回类型b==字符串?b.toLowerCase:b };


result = [{FULL_NAME:xxx}, {}, {}....... {}]

 result = [{full_name:xxx}, {}, {}....... {}]


//   **********  must use self = this ************** 
                // this reference vue-app.  must pass it to self, then pass into callback function (success call back)
                var self = this;  

                fetch(getUser_url).then(function (response) {
                                return response.json();
                        }).then(function (result) {

                                 //------------------------ properties to lowercase ----------------------
                                 // result is upper case, must convert all properties to lowercase, 
                                 // however, the value like password or number MUST remain no change. 

                                 // result = [{}, {}, {}....... {}]
                                    var result_lower_properties= [];

                                    var arrayLength = result.length;

                                    for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {

                                        var obj = result[i];
                                        var obj_lower_properties = {};

                                        for (var prop in obj) {


                                                          obj_lower_properties[prop.toLowerCase()] = obj[prop]
                                        }// for


                                    }// for

                                  //----------  ENd -------------- properties to lowercase ----------------------

                                 // must use self.user,  do not use this.user, 
                                 // because here, this's scope is just the function (result).   
                                 // we need this reference to vue-app, 
                                 self.user = result_lower_properties;  // [{}, {}, {}]  

    }); // fetch(){}

//   **********  must use self = this ************** 
                // this reference vue-app.  must pass it to self, then pass into callback function (success call back)
                var self = this;  

                fetch(getUser_url).then(function (response) {
                                return response.json();
                        }).then(function (result) {

                                 //------------------------ properties to lowercase ----------------------
                                 // result is upper case, must convert all properties to lowercase, 
                                 // however, the value like password or number MUST remain no change. 

                                 // result = [{}, {}, {}....... {}]
                                    var result_lower_properties= [];

                                    var arrayLength = result.length;

                                    for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {

                                        var obj = result[i];
                                        var obj_lower_properties = {};

                                        for (var prop in obj) {


                                                          obj_lower_properties[prop.toLowerCase()] = obj[prop]
                                        }// for


                                    }// for

                                  //----------  ENd -------------- properties to lowercase ----------------------

                                 // must use self.user,  do not use this.user, 
                                 // because here, this's scope is just the function (result).   
                                 // we need this reference to vue-app, 
                                 self.user = result_lower_properties;  // [{}, {}, {}]  

    }); // fetch(){}