Javascript 将所选复选框复制到另一个div

Javascript 将所选复选框复制到另一个div,javascript,html,Javascript,Html,此代码用于表单,用户可以在其中选择各种内容并显示其当前选择。我希望它显示实际的元素,而不是元素的文本,因为最终它将是一个图像缩略图 我发现代码与我需要的类似,尽管它只将文本值放入另一个div。我需要实际的输入元素,而不仅仅是纯文本。我已经尝试从javasript中删除.text,但是没有将任何内容复制到div中 HTML: 试试这个: $(function() { $(":checkbox").change(function() { var arr = $(":checkbox:c





 $(function() {
  $(":checkbox").change(function() {
    var arr = $(":checkbox:checked").map(function() { return $(this).attr('id'); }).get();
    $("#myDiv").text(arr.join(', '));


克隆标签并添加到目标div myDiv


$function{ $:checkbox.changefunction{ //清除myDiv的内容 $myDiv.empty; var arr=$:复选框:checked.mapfunction{ //这将选择当前元素,添加以下内容 //项,并返回的克隆版本 //挑选 返回$this。添加$; }.获得; //将项目添加到myDiv $myDiv.appendarr; }; }; 一 二 三 四 结果:

// caching the element (of id='myDiv') in which
// the output should be displayed:
var results = $('#myDiv'),

// because we'll be using this collection at least twice,
// the first to bind the event-handlers and the second
// to find the checked elements, we cache it here to
// reduce DOM queries:
    checks = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_divServices input[type=checkbox]');

// binding the anonymous function of the on() method
// as the event-handler of the 'change' event:
checks.on('change', function() {

  // caching the checked check-box <input> elements
  // and their next-sibling (the associated <label>):
  var clones = checks
    // filtering the cached list of check-box <input>
    // elements to retain only those that are checked:
    // finding the next-sibling element
    // adding back the previous collection, that of the
    // checked check-box elements:
    // cloning those elements
    // iterating over each element of the collection:
    .each(function() {
      // if the element has an id, and has a type and that
      // type is exactly equal to 'checkbox':
      if ( && this.type && this.type === 'checkbox') {
        // we remove the id attribute (a duplicate id
        // renders the document invalid); we leave the
        // 'for' attribute of the <label> alone because
        // that way it still triggers the 'change' event
        // of the cloned/'original' checkbox, which maintains
        // desired functionality:

  // here we remove the current/previously-set contents
  // of the results element (cached above):
    // and append the just-found cloned elements:
一 二 三 四 结果:

 $(function() {
  $(":checkbox").change(function() {
    var arr = $(":checkbox:checked").map(function() { return $(this).attr('id'); }).get();
    $("#myDiv").text(arr.join(', '));
$(function() {
  $(":checkbox").change(function() {
    var arr = $(":checkbox:checked").map(function() { return $(this).next().html(); }).get();
    $("#myDiv").html(arr.join(', '));
$(function() {
    $(":checkbox").change(function() {
        var arr = $(":checkbox:checked").map(function() {
            return $(this).next();
        arr.forEach(function(a) {
// caching the element (of id='myDiv') in which
// the output should be displayed:
var results = $('#myDiv'),

// because we'll be using this collection at least twice,
// the first to bind the event-handlers and the second
// to find the checked elements, we cache it here to
// reduce DOM queries:
    checks = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_divServices input[type=checkbox]');

// binding the anonymous function of the on() method
// as the event-handler of the 'change' event:
checks.on('change', function() {

  // caching the checked check-box <input> elements
  // and their next-sibling (the associated <label>):
  var clones = checks
    // filtering the cached list of check-box <input>
    // elements to retain only those that are checked:
    // finding the next-sibling element
    // adding back the previous collection, that of the
    // checked check-box elements:
    // cloning those elements
    // iterating over each element of the collection:
    .each(function() {
      // if the element has an id, and has a type and that
      // type is exactly equal to 'checkbox':
      if ( && this.type && this.type === 'checkbox') {
        // we remove the id attribute (a duplicate id
        // renders the document invalid); we leave the
        // 'for' attribute of the <label> alone because
        // that way it still triggers the 'change' event
        // of the cloned/'original' checkbox, which maintains
        // desired functionality:

  // here we remove the current/previously-set contents
  // of the results element (cached above):
    // and append the just-found cloned elements: