Javascript 前馈神经网络在JS中不工作

Javascript 前馈神经网络在JS中不工作,javascript,neural-network,Javascript,Neural Network,我正在用Javascript进行一个项目,在用户指定了神经网络的大小和权重后,我的程序将创建一个前馈神经网络,它可以根据已经定义的权重预测输入集的结果。我的程序没有通过反向传播或其他任何方式训练网络,它只是接收预定义的权重,以便通过网络提供信息 我已经通过backprop在Simbrain(基于Java的神经网络软件)中训练了一个神经网络,并且我已经将在Simbrain中训练网络产生的权重导出到一个JS文件中,该文件将在创建神经网络时输入这些权重 我的问题是,尽管我的神经网络在大多数神经网络(甚







function NeuralNetwork(layers /*2d array*/, weight3 /*3d array*/) {
for the second test case, layers and weight3 are respectively:
];    , and
  ], [
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I copied these directly from the simbrain weights matrices.
this.layers = [];
  for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { // the creation of the layers
    this.layers.push(new Layer(layers[i]));
  for(var f = 0; f < layers.length - 1; f++) { // the creation of the connections between neurons of different layers, uses predefined weights
    this.layers[f].connectLayers(layers[f + 1], weight3[f]);
  /*this.getChances = function(neuron, layer) { // this function isn't important
    var total = 0;
    for(var g = 0; g < layer.neurons.length; g++) {
      total += layer.neurons[g].value;
    var prob = layer.neurons[neuron].value / total * 100;
    var decOdds = 100 / prob;
    return [(prob).toFixed(2), decOdds.toFixed(2)];
  } */
  this.reset  = function(values) { // reset the neuron values
    for (var i = 0; i < this.layers.length; i++) {
      for (var t = 0; t < this.layers[i].neurons.length; t++) {
        this.layers[i].neurons[t].value = values[i][t];
  } = function() { // the main function that will make the NN predict
    for (var t = 0; t < this.layers.length; t++) { // for each layer
      if(t !== 0) { // if not the first layer (input shouldn't be activated)
      if(t !== this.layers.length - 1) { // if not the last layer (the output cannot preActivate a layer that comes after it)
        this.preActivate(t); // this affects the layer that comes after it
  this.preActivate = function(t) { // multiply the weights by the value of the neurons and add the result to the next layer (pre activation)
    for (var p = 0; p < this.layers[t].neurons.length; p++) { // for the neurons in the current layer
      for (var v = 0; v < this.layers[t].neurons[p].weights.length; v++) { // for the weights of the current neuron (the amount of weights is equal to the amount of neurons in the next layer)
        this.layers[t + 1].neurons[v].value += this.layers[t].neurons[p].weights[v].value * this.layers[t].neurons[p].value; // increment the neurons in the next layer
  this.activate = function(t) { // take the sigmoid for each neuron in the current layer (activation)
    for (var hp = 0; hp < this.layers[t].neurons.length; hp++) {
      this.layers[t].neurons[hp].value = this.sigmoid(this.layers[t].neurons[hp].value);
  this.sigmoid = function(x) { // the sigmoidal function
    return 1 / (1 + 1 / pow(Math.E, x));

function Layer(neurons /*1d array*/, weight2 /*2d array*/) { // create a new layer
  this.neurons = [];
  for(var i = 0; i < neurons.length; i++) {
    this.neurons.push(new Neuron(neurons[i]));
  this.connectLayers = function(targetLayer /*1d array*/, weight2 /*2d array*/) { // create the connections
    for(var f = 0; f < this.neurons.length; f++) { // for each neuron in its own layer
      for(var t = 0; t < targetLayer.length; t++) { // for each neuron in the next layer
        this.neurons[f].weights.push(new Weight(weight2[f][t])); // get the weight from the predefined set and make it the value of that weights

function Neuron(value /*float*/) {
  this.value = value;
  this.weights = [];
  this.x; // for drawing on a canvas
  this.y; // for drawing on a canvas

function Weight(value /*float*/) {
  this.value = value;
  this.x; // for drawing on a canvas
  this.y; // for drawing on a canvas
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