Javascript 试图理解一个记忆卡匹配游戏项目的代码

Javascript 试图理解一个记忆卡匹配游戏项目的代码,javascript,function,Javascript,Function,这是来自自由代码营: 我正试图自己创建一个类似的游戏,但我已经有一段时间没有玩JS了。我无法理解这段代码的必要性…或者我想我基本上理解了它!该网站说,这设置了匹配的逻辑,但如果有人能更好地为我分解它,我将不胜感激!如果您访问该站点,我可以管理checkForMatch功能。我知道!使事物布尔化,并且???根据默认值,将它们从true切换为false,或以其他方式切换?我也不记得我是否同时遇到过两个变量的声明,以及这意味着什么 谢谢你的帮助!已经好几个小时了,我想我今天已经撞到了我的精神墙 以下是





“现在我们有了翻牌,让我们来处理匹配逻辑。 单击第一张卡时,需要等待另一张卡翻转。变量hasFlippedCard和flippedCard将管理翻转状态。如果没有翻转的卡,hasFlippedCard将设置为true,flippedCard将设置为单击的卡。我们还可以切换切换方法以添加:

至于你在“!”上的疑问,这意味着不是。你可以用它来 检查某个值是否为真,或者某个变量是否为空,或者是否包含值。我已经添加了一些评论,下面将对此进行解释

var test = null;
var theBool = true;
if(!test){ // if test is null or false
 // You will enter this if statement because test is null
if(!theBool){ // if theBool is null or false
 // You will not enter this if statement because theBool is 
// true.

test = 10;

if(!test){ // if test is null or false
 // You will not enter this if statement now because test is 
 // not null, it has the value of 10.

theBool = false;

if(!theBool){ // if theBool is false or null
// You will enter this if statement because theBool is false.

 // Grabbing everything with a class .memory-card
const cards = document.querySelectorAll('.memory-card');

let hasFlippedCard = false;
let firstCard, secondCard; 
  same as 
  var firstCard;
  var secondCard;

function flipCard() {

  // Adds the css class flip to what you just clicked on.

  // if hasFlipped === false or is null
  if (!hasFlippedCard) {

     // Set has flipped to true
     hasFlippedCard = true;

     // the first card value now = what you have clicked on.
     firstCard = this;

     // Function complete, return and wait for the next click

     // First card was set before, currently it is true, so 
     // the if statement was skipped.
     // The second card is now what you clicked on.
     secondCard = this;

    // Setting to false so next time you click, you will be
    // setting the firstCard value again.
     hasFlippedCard = false;

     // Both card values have been set, now check if they are
     // the same as each other.


读作“if not hasFlippedCard”…将其设置为true,将其设置为firstCard并返回(nothing)。感谢您的回复!!在真/假术语中,“不”与“假”是否相同??那不是布尔值吗?!转换为布尔值,也反转itAh!谢谢你,斯潘格!我想我昨天对JS已经太过分了,这是一个很大的帮助!!
 // Grabbing everything with a class .memory-card
const cards = document.querySelectorAll('.memory-card');

let hasFlippedCard = false;
let firstCard, secondCard; 
  same as 
  var firstCard;
  var secondCard;

function flipCard() {

  // Adds the css class flip to what you just clicked on.

  // if hasFlipped === false or is null
  if (!hasFlippedCard) {

     // Set has flipped to true
     hasFlippedCard = true;

     // the first card value now = what you have clicked on.
     firstCard = this;

     // Function complete, return and wait for the next click

     // First card was set before, currently it is true, so 
     // the if statement was skipped.
     // The second card is now what you clicked on.
     secondCard = this;

    // Setting to false so next time you click, you will be
    // setting the firstCard value again.
     hasFlippedCard = false;

     // Both card values have been set, now check if they are
     // the same as each other.