Javascript fabric.js加载带有插入图像的json正在破坏画布

Javascript fabric.js加载带有插入图像的json正在破坏画布,javascript,jquery,json,html5-canvas,fabricjs,Javascript,Jquery,Json,Html5 Canvas,Fabricjs,每当我将图像添加到fabric.js上的画布时,我都会在一个隐藏字段中将其保存并字符串化为JSON。从JSON数据加载的画布在console.log上有0个对象,而隐藏字段/变量中的JSON数据是不完整的。如果加载已字符串化的JSON数据,则插入的图像是JSON中唯一可以编辑的对象。我的程序通过添加文本、形状等保存到JSON,但当我添加图像时,就会发生这种情况 下面是我用来添加图像的代码 function insertImage(src){ fabric.Image.fromURL(sr



function insertImage(src){
    fabric.Image.fromURL(src, function(image) {
        var scale = 200 / image.width;  
        image.set({ left: 40, top: 40, scaleX: scale, scaleY: scale });


$( ".image-graphic" ).click(function(){
    var imageGraphic = $( this ).attr('src');

$( "#testImage" ).click(function(){
    var $additionalPropertiesData = canvas.toJSON(['selectable','lockmovementX', 'lockmovementY', 'hasControls', 'hasBorders', 'id']);
    $( ".frontData" ).val(JSON.stringify($additionalPropertiesData));
    var $frontPreviewData = $( ".frontData" ).val();

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// activepage contains the currently used canvas

this.clickOpenHandler = function(event) {

  var file =[0];   
  // file holds now an [file Object]

  if (file) {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function(e_onload) {
      var content =;     
      // content holds now an [object File], like {"objects":[{"type":"rect","originX":"left", ...

      activepage.canvas.loadFromJSON(content, function () {

        // Here the canvas already holds the read objects.         
        console.log(activepage.canvas.getObjects().length);   // gives 2 in my testcase

        $("#pty_open").val(null);           // reset input element

   <input id="pty_open" type="file" />




   <input id="pty_open" type="file" />