Javascript 有没有办法从mongodb中检索数据作为键值映射,其中键是字段的值(使用Mongoose)

Javascript 有没有办法从mongodb中检索数据作为键值映射,其中键是字段的值(使用Mongoose),javascript,mongodb,performance,mongoose,aggregate,Javascript,Mongodb,Performance,Mongoose,Aggregate,我的Mongodb收藏中有以下数据: {_id: xxx1, fieldA: valueA_1, fieldB: valueB_1, fieldC: valueC_1}, {_id: xxx2, fieldA: valueA_1, fieldB: valueB_2, fieldC: valueC_2}, {_id: xxx3, fieldA: valueA_2, fieldB: valueB_3, fieldC: valueC_3}, 是否有Mongodb聚合运算符或类似运算符返回此类结构:


{_id: xxx1, fieldA: valueA_1, fieldB: valueB_1, fieldC: valueC_1},
{_id: xxx2, fieldA: valueA_1, fieldB: valueB_2, fieldC: valueC_2},
{_id: xxx3, fieldA: valueA_2, fieldB: valueB_3, fieldC: valueC_3},


 "valueA_1": [
              {_id: xxx1, fieldA: valueA_1, fieldB: valueB_1, fieldC: valueC_1},
              {_id: xxx2, fieldA: valueA_1, fieldB: valueB_2, fieldC: valueC_2}

 "valueA_2": [
              {_id: xxx3, fieldA: valueA_2, fieldB: valueB_3, fieldC: valueC_3}

    data.reduce(function (map, obj) {
      map[obj.fieldA] = map[obj.fieldA] ? [[obj.fieldA], obj] : [obj];
      return map;
    }, {});
我想知道如何仅使用mongodb\mongoose操作符完成此行为 还有,如果使用它们而不是reduce函数,性能是否会更好



    $group: { // first group by the required fieldA
      _id: "$fieldA",
      docs: {
        $push: "$$ROOT"
    $group: { // this group to gather all documents in one array 'allDocsInOneArray' of objects
      // each object has a key = the value of fieldA, and a value = an array of the docs belong to this fieldA
      _id: null,
      allDocsInOneArray: {
        $push: {
          k: "$_id", // the key of the object (should be the value of fieldA, which is the _id now after the first group stage)
          v: "$docs" // an array of docs belong to this fieldA
          // the object should be in this format { k: '', v: [] } in order to be able to convert the whole array to another object in $arrayToObject operation
    "$replaceRoot": {
      "newRoot": {
        "$arrayToObject": "$allDocsInOneArray"  // convert the array of objects to object with key = k (fieldA), value = v (its docs)

