Javascript 如何基于下拉选择填充文本区域

Javascript 如何基于下拉选择填充文本区域,javascript,html,Javascript,Html,我对这件事非常感兴趣。我可以使用js根据html下拉选择填充html文本区域吗?如果可以,我该怎么做?您可能是指这样的内容: 告诉我是否对你有帮助 HTML: 对这非常感谢你!我应该能想出我想用这个做什么。再次感谢你!它没有像我想象的那样工作。我将尝试更详细地描述我需要什么,当我从下拉列表中选择“item1”时,我想填充一个相关项目的列表,并且我希望所有这些填充的项目都是可选择的,以便我可以将它们拖放到不同的区域。我希望这是有道理的! <h1>Note Generator</h


您可能是指这样的内容: 告诉我是否对你有帮助


<h1>Note Generator</h1>

<div class="left">
<select class="c10" onchange="showCSTemplates(this);"> 
<option selected="selected" value="" id="Templates">Please select a template...</option>
<textarea cols="30" rows="20" readonly="readonly" id="CSTemplates">
Templates will auto-populate 
here depending on the 
selection made from the 


drop-down list.
</div><!--left ends here-->
function showCSTemplates(sel){   

locations =[ "", /*this remains blank for first selection in drop-down list*/ 

/*option 1*/                 
" This is template 1 that  will appear in a textarea keeping its formatting as  is. ",

/*option 2*/                
" This is template 2 that  will appear in a textarea keeping its  formatting as  is. Credentials:  Contact Info: ",

/*option 3*/                 
" This is template 3 that  will appear in a textarea keeping its formatting as  is. Donec tortor lorem,  ornare vitae commodo nec,  sagittis et nunc. Maecenas sagittis quam ",

/*option 4*/                 

/*option 5*/                 
"etc...", ];
                   srcLocation = locations    [sel.selectedIndex];    
   if (srcLocation != undefined && srcLocation != "") {      
                  document.getElementById('CSTemplates').innerHTML= srcLocation;   