Javascript 如何在新窗口中打开表单提交?

Javascript 如何在新窗口中打开表单提交?,javascript,jquery,html,drop-down-menu,Javascript,Jquery,Html,Drop Down Menu,我一直在尝试用HTML表单/选项制作一个下拉菜单。当用户单击所需选项时,应在同一窗口中打开一个新选项卡。我目前正在使用一个预先制作的插件,对我的项目的设计做了一些修改,并适应了其余的代码,并设法使它几乎可以工作。问题是它不会在新选项卡中打开:它会像self一样在同一页上打开 下面是我正在使用的HTML代码,以及javascript文件 我真的很难找到解决办法,尽管我知道这可能是一个简单的办法。我尝试了几件事,但都不管用 <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <




<!-- begin meta -->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<title>Ex. 1</title>
<!-- end meta -->

<!-- begin CSS -->
<link href="css/style_dropdown.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- end CSS -->    

<!-- begin JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/modernizr-2.0.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.dropdown.js"></script>
        $( function() {
            $( '#cd-dropdown' ).dropdown( {
                gutter : 5,
                stack : true,
                slidingIn : 100,
                onOptionSelect : function( opt ) {
                window.location = 'value' );  
            } );

<!-- end JS -->

            <select id="cd-dropdown" class="cd-select">

                <option value="-1" selected>Social</option>
                <option value="" class="icon-facebook">Facebook</option>
                <option value="" class="icon-googleplus">Google Plus</option>
                <option value="" class="icon-soundcloud">Soundcloud</option>
                <option value="" class="icon-tumblr">Tumblr</option>
                <option value="" class="icon-youtube">You Tube</option>




;( function( $, window, undefined ) {

'use strict';

$.DropDown = function( options, element ) {
    this.$el = $( element );
    this._init( options );

// the options
$.DropDown.defaults = {
    speed : 300,
    easing : 'ease',
    gutter : 0,
    // initial stack effect
    stack : true,
    // delay between each option animation
    delay : 0,
    // random angle and positions for the options
    random : false,
    // rotated [right||left||false] : the options will be rotated to thr right side or left side.
    // make sure to tune the transform origin in the stylesheet
    rotated : false,
    // effect to slide in the options. value is the margin to start with
    slidingIn : false,
    onOptionSelect : function(opt) { return false; }

$.DropDown.prototype = {

    _init : function( options ) {

        // options
        this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.DropDown.defaults, options );

    _layout : function() {

        var self = this;
        this.minZIndex = 1000;
        var value = this._transformSelect();
        this.opts = this.listopts.children( 'li' );
        this.optsCount = this.opts.length;
        this.size = { width : this.dd.width(), height : this.dd.height() };

        var elName = this.$el.attr( 'name' ), elId = this.$el.attr( 'id' ),
            inputName = elName !== undefined ? elName : elId !== undefined ? elId : 'cd-dropdown-' + ( new Date() ).getTime();

        this.inputEl = $( '<input type="hidden" name="' + inputName + '" value="' + value + '"></input>' ).insertAfter( this.selectlabel );

        this.selectlabel.css( 'z-index', this.minZIndex + this.optsCount );
        if( Modernizr.csstransitions ) {
            setTimeout( function() { self.opts.css( 'transition', 'all ' + self.options.speed + 'ms ' + self.options.easing ); }, 25 );

    _transformSelect : function() {

        var optshtml = '', selectlabel = '', value = -1;
        this.$el.children( 'option' ).each( function() {

            var $this = $( this ),
                val = isNaN( $this.attr( 'value' ) ) ? $this.attr( 'value' ) : Number( $this.attr( 'value' ) ) ,
                classes = $this.attr( 'class' ),
                selected = $this.attr( 'selected' ),
                label = $this.text();

            if( val !== -1 ) {
                optshtml += 
                    classes !== undefined ? 
                        '<li data-value="' + val + '"><span class="' + classes + '">' + label + '</span></li>' :
                        '<li data-value="' + val + '"><span>' + label + '</span></li>';

            if( selected ) {
                selectlabel = label;
                value = val;

        } );

        this.listopts = $( '<ul/>' ).append( optshtml );
        this.selectlabel = $( '<span/>' ).append( selectlabel );
        this.dd = $( '<div class="cd-dropdown"/>' ).append( this.selectlabel, this.listopts ).insertAfter( this.$el );

        return value;

    _positionOpts : function( anim ) {

        var self = this;

        this.listopts.css( 'height', 'auto' );
            .each( function( i ) {
                $( this ).css( {
                    zIndex : self.minZIndex + self.optsCount - 1 - i,
                    top : self.options.slidingIn ? ( i + 1 ) * ( self.size.height + self.options.gutter ) : 0,
                    left : 0,
                    marginLeft : self.options.slidingIn ? i % 2 === 0 ? self.options.slidingIn : - self.options.slidingIn : 0,
                    opacity : self.options.slidingIn ? 0 : 1,
                    transform : 'none'
                } );
            } );

        if( !this.options.slidingIn ) {
                .eq( this.optsCount - 1 )
                .css( { top : this.options.stack ? 9 : 0, left : this.options.stack ? 4 : 0, width : this.options.stack ? this.size.width - 8 : this.size.width, transform : 'none' } )
                .eq( this.optsCount - 2 )
                .css( { top : this.options.stack ? 6 : 0, left : this.options.stack ? 2 : 0, width : this.options.stack ? this.size.width - 4 : this.size.width, transform : 'none' } )
                .eq( this.optsCount - 3 )
                .css( { top : this.options.stack ? 3 : 0, left : 0, transform : 'none' } );

    _initEvents : function() {

        var self = this;

        this.selectlabel.on( 'mousedown.dropdown', function( event ) {
            self.opened ? self.close() :;
            return false;

        } );

        this.opts.on( 'click.dropdown', function() {
            if( self.opened ) {
                var opt = $( this );
                self.options.onOptionSelect( opt );
                self.inputEl.val( 'value' ) );
                self.selectlabel.html( opt.html() );

        } );


    open : function() {
        var self = this;
        this.dd.toggleClass( 'cd-active' );
        this.listopts.css( 'height', ( this.optsCount + 1 ) * ( this.size.height + this.options.gutter ) );
        this.opts.each( function( i ) {

            $( this ).css( {
                opacity : 1,
                top : self.options.rotated ? self.size.height + self.options.gutter : ( i + 1 ) * ( self.size.height + self.options.gutter ),
                left : self.options.random ? Math.floor( Math.random() * 11 - 5 ) : 0,
                width : self.size.width,
                marginLeft : 0,
                transform : self.options.random ?
                    'rotate(' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 11 - 5 ) + 'deg)' :
                    self.options.rotated ?
                        self.options.rotated === 'right' ?
                            'rotate(-' + ( i * 5 ) + 'deg)' :
                            'rotate(' + ( i * 5 ) + 'deg)'
                        : 'none',
                transitionDelay : self.options.delay && Modernizr.csstransitions ? self.options.slidingIn ? ( i * self.options.delay ) + 'ms' : ( ( self.optsCount - 1 - i ) * self.options.delay ) + 'ms' : 0
            } );

        } );
        this.opened = true;

    close : function() {

        var self = this;
        this.dd.toggleClass( 'cd-active' );
        if( this.options.delay && Modernizr.csstransitions ) {
            this.opts.each( function( i ) {
                $( this ).css( { 'transition-delay' : self.options.slidingIn ? ( ( self.optsCount - 1 - i ) * self.options.delay ) + 'ms' : ( i * self.options.delay ) + 'ms' } );
            } );
        this._positionOpts( true );
        this.opened = false;



$.fn.dropdown = function( options ) {
    var instance = $.data( this, 'dropdown' );
    if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {
        var args = arguments, 1 );
        this.each(function() {
            instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
    else {
        this.each(function() {
            instance ? instance._init() : instance = $.data( this, 'dropdown', new $.DropDown( options, this ) );
    return instance;

} )( jQuery, window );
一些初始问题 首先,您无法控制它是在新窗口中打开还是在当前窗口的新选项卡中打开:这纯粹是浏览器设置。如果将目标设置为_blank,它将在一个新的选项卡中打开,因为这是大多数现代浏览器的默认行为



试图回答 我不知道你到底在哪里打开任何东西,在一个新窗口或其他地方。您的表单没有提交按钮或任何类似的明显有用的东西。然而,像将target=\u blank添加到开始标记这样简单的操作很可能会奏效

<form target="_blank">
<select id="cd-dropdown" class="cd-select">
    <option value="-1" selected>Social</option>
    <option value="" class="icon-facebook">Facebook</option>
    <option value="" class="icon-googleplus">Google Plus</option>
    <option value="" class="icon-soundcloud">Soundcloud</option>
    <option value="" class="icon-tumblr">Tumblr</option>
    <option value="" class="icon-youtube">You Tube</option>
