
jqueryui';手风琴坏了,jquery,html,jquery-ui,jquery-ui-accordion,Jquery,Html,Jquery Ui,Jquery Ui Accordion,几周前,我试过jqueryaccordion,效果非常好。在没有改变手风琴本身的情况下实施了一些更改之后,它现在将无法工作。我不确定出了什么问题 以下是我的jQuery代码片段: $(函数(){ $(“手风琴”)。手风琴({ 高度样式:“内容”, 自动高度:false, 没错, 动画:对, 标题:“h3”, 可折叠的:是的, 活动:错误 }); }); 您好,似乎有些标签没有正确关闭。。试试下面的html,希望它能解决你的问题 <div id="accordion"> <





<div id="accordion">
  <h3>Managed Services</h3>
    <p><span>Alchemy Social’s Managed Service solution works with businesses of all sizes — from brand new start-ups to established multinationals — ensuring that they connect with and engage the right social audiences.</span>
    <p>Our teams combine the perfect blend of skills, from traditional digital display through search to creative design. With offices around the world, we manage campaigns and support our clients whenever and wherever they need us:</p>
    <ul class="alchemy-product-list-subnav">
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Full campaign management, from goal setting/strategy through to delivery and reporting</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Targeting and segmentation planning</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Custom built creative generation on demand (image and copy)</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Daily optimisation</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Regular reporting</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Campaign review</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Access to Experian’s unique and proprietary data assets to improve campaigns</li>
  <h3>Licensed Services</h3>
    <p><span>As the social space evolves at tremendous speed, even the most experienced in-house teams can need support to stay ahead of the curve.</span>
    <p>Experian’s Alchemy Social Licensed solutions offer flexible, on-demand services to meet every need. Our client services team is amongst the most experienced in the industry, offering scalable support to your social strategies and campaigns.</p>
    <p><span>Alchemy SaaS</span>
    <p>Licensing the Alchemy Social Platform brings access to the full range of features of the Facebook ads manager platform, including:</p>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Guidance on how to create, manage, report on and optimise campaigns</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Access to regular webinars on new releases, features and best practices</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Dedicated account management support and consultative advice</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Create campaign rules for real-time cost per acquisition (CPA) optimisation</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Effectively refine activity at various points of the campaign cycle</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Control ad spend at segment level by location or target group</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Analyse conversion data and integrate with other analytical tools</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">View real-time reporting to understand CPA and conversion rates at ad level</li>
      <li class="alchemy-product-list">Integrate campaign results with tools like Google Analytics and Adobe Omniture</li>
    <h5 class="blue-subtitle">Facebook Audience Engagement</h5>

    <p>Custom Audiences allow you to target Facebook ads to specific individuals, using CRM data. This approach is ideal for amplifying the reach of your overall advertising, enables more granular Facebook targeting to improve ROI. We are uniquely placed
      to help you create a long term dialogue with your customers, which is mutually beneficial and profitable.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.experian.co.uk/marketing-services/about/ems-contact-alchemy.html">Get in touch</a> to discover how you can maximise the results of your social advertising by connecting with the right audience.</p>
    <div id="tab3" class="extended_tabContent">
      <p>Alchemy Social drives social marketing performance for brands from across a wide range of sectors &#8211; to connect with more of their customers, where they engage and with the messages they want to see.</p>
      <p><span><i>&#34;Our goal was to not just recruit new customers, but to engage the right audience to acquire quality leads. Working with Alchemy allowed us to leverage Experian&#39;s Mosaic profiling to give us extra confidence when building our audience segments. Facebook newsfeed ads were also a great medium for getting people engaged with the brand and saw us boost page likes by 34%&#34;</i></span> 
        <br/>Chris James, Global Multi-channel Performance Manager</p>
      <p>Alchemy Social&#39;s precision engagement, based on deep expertise and flexible solutions, delivers demonstrable bottom line results.</p>
      <div class="leftCol">
        <ul class="extended_subNavigation">
          <li><a href=" http://www.experian.co.uk/assets/marketing-services/case-studies/case-study-luxury-retailer.pdf" target="_blank" class="alchemy-product-link">A luxury retailer combines Facebook advertising<br/> with email to increase ROI by 350 per cent</a>
          <li><a href=" http://www.experian.co.uk/assets/marketing-services/case-studies/case-study-cit-thomson-sport.pdf" target="_blank" class="alchemy-product-link">A social media ad campaign for a travel company<br/> achieves 14 per cent conversion &#8211; outperforming<br/> all other campaign channels &#8211; combining Experian<br/> Alchemy Social with keyword data from<br/>  Experian Hitwise</a>
      <div class="rightCol">
        <ul class="extended_subNavigation">
          <li><a href=" http://www.experian.co.uk/assets/marketing-services/case-studies/case-study-luxury-retailer.pdf" target="_blank" class="alchemy-product-link">Drives a 55 per cent boost in fan base and<br/> cut cost per action by 84 per cent for a major<br/> UK leisure and sports betting group</a></li>
          <li><a href=" http://www.experian.co.uk/assets/marketing-services/case-studies/case-study-cit-thomson-sport.pdf" target="_blank" class="alchemy-product-link">Fashion retailer perfects its Facebook<br/> advertising – 150K fans added and a 4.5%<br/>increase in CTR</a>

Alchemy Social的托管服务解决方案与各种规模的企业合作——从全新的初创企业到成熟的跨国公司——确保他们与正确的社会受众建立联系并参与其中。


  • 全面的活动管理,从目标设定/战略到交付和报告
  • 目标定位和细分规划
  • 定制的按需创作(图像和副本)
  • 每日优化 定期报告
  • 活动回顾
  • 访问益百利独特的专有数据资产以改进营销活动
特许服务 随着社会空间以惊人的速度发展,即使是最有经验的内部团队也需要支持才能保持领先。

益百利的Alchemy Social许可解决方案提供灵活的按需服务,满足各种需求。我们的客户服务团队是业内经验最丰富的团队之一,为您的社交策略和活动提供可扩展的支持



  • 关于如何创建、管理、报告和优化活动的指导
  • 访问有关新版本、功能和最佳实践的定期网络研讨会
  • 专门的客户管理支持和咨询建议
  • 为实时每次采购成本(CPA)优化创建活动规则
  • 在活动周期的各个阶段有效优化活动
  • 按地点或目标群体控制细分市场层面的广告支出
  • 分析转换数据并与其他分析工具集成 查看实时报告以了解广告级别的CPA和转化率
  • 将活动结果与Google Analytics和Adobe Omniture等工具集成
Facebook受众参与度 自定义受众允许您使用CRM数据将Facebook广告定位到特定的个人。这种方法非常适合扩大整体广告的覆盖范围,实现更精细的Facebook目标定位,以提高投资回报率。我们处于独一无二的地位 帮助您与客户建立长期对话,这对双方都有利且有利可图


Alchemy Social推动了广泛行业品牌的社会营销绩效–;与更多的客户建立联系,让他们参与其中并了解他们希望看到的信息



终于解决了这个问题。我所做的只是下载了另一个版本的jQueryUI,它又重新工作了。我不确定出了什么问题,即使jQuery UI不应该与我的jQuery版本兼容

$(“ul#tabNavigationFourTabs li”).mouseover(function(){
$(“ul#tabNavigationFourTabs li”).removeClass(“active”);//删除任何“active”类
var activeTab='#'+$(this.find(“a”).attr(“rel”);