Linq to sql 如何在LINQ to Sql结果上按数据lambda分组?

Linq to sql 如何在LINQ to Sql结果上按数据lambda分组?,linq-to-sql,lambda,group-by,Linq To Sql,Lambda,Group By,我像这样从数据库中获取数据 Dim query = From t1 In TBL1 _ Join t2 In TBL2 On t1.ID Equals t2.ID _ Join t3 In TBL3 On t1.ID Equals t3.ID _ Group Join t4 In t1 _ On t1.ID Equals t4.ID _ In


 Dim query = From t1 In TBL1 _
             Join t2 In TBL2 On t1.ID Equals t2.ID _
             Join t3 In TBL3 On t1.ID Equals t3.ID _
             Group Join t4 In t1 _
                   On t1.ID Equals t4.ID _
                   Into t4_Grp = Group _
             Select t1, t2, t3, t4_Grp
query = query.Where(Function(o) o.t1.ID = lngID)
  • 当用户执行搜索时,我可以像这样过滤查询结果

     Dim query = From t1 In TBL1 _
                 Join t2 In TBL2 On t1.ID Equals t2.ID _
                 Join t3 In TBL3 On t1.ID Equals t3.ID _
                 Group Join t4 In t1 _
                       On t1.ID Equals t4.ID _
                       Into t4_Grp = Group _
                 Select t1, t2, t3, t4_Grp
    query = query.Where(Function(o) o.t1.ID = lngID)
  • 上面的一切都很好。直到我想要lambda的t4_Grp。我不知道如何在t4_Grp上做lambda表达式

  • 我以前用过这个来做一些力量分组

    private void ProducePivotAnalytic <T, K>(IEnumerable<T> colletion, Func<T, K> pivot)
        var grouped =
            from n in colletion
                group n by pivot(n) into g
                select new { theKey = g.Key, theValue = g };
        // do some stuff with your grouped collection.
    ProducePivotAnalytic<List<DateTime>, DayOfWeek>(
                (x) => (x.DayOfWeek) );
    private void producePivotAnalysis(IEnumerable Collection,Func pivot)
    (x) =>(x.DayOfWeek));
    请澄清您的问题,您所说的“使用lambda表达式”或“lambda the t4_Grp”是什么意思?您是否正在尝试进行额外过滤,但在表t4而不是t1上?是的,我正在尝试进行额外过滤;在t4_Grp上。