Linux 如何处理不同的Expect消息?

Linux 如何处理不同的Expect消息?,linux,bash,shell,expect,Linux,Bash,Shell,Expect,需要有编写expect脚本经验的人的帮助。我无法找到正确的解决方案来处理expect脚本中返回的多种类型的消息。我试图测试两个场景,其中返回的最终消息可能有两种不同类型的响应。除了处理该响应外,不希望为最终的回显消息发送任何响应。我如何做到这一点 --------------- #!/bin/bash echo "Session Name ?" read $REPLY echo "First Name ?" read $REPLY echo "Last Nam


echo "Session Name ?"
read $REPLY
echo "First Name   ?"
read $REPLY
echo "Last Name    ?"
read $REPLY
echo "Op#          ?"
read $REPLY
echo "Password     ?"
read $REPLY
echo "Password again?"
read $REPLY
echo "Session Name: RajP"
echo "First Name  : Raj"
echo "Last Name   : P"
echo "OP#         : Arch"
echo "Continue? (y|n)"
read $REPLY
echo "row count = 1"

echo "Session Name ?"
read $REPLY
echo "First Name   ?"
read $REPLY
echo "Last Name    ?"
read $REPLY
echo "Op#          ?"
read $REPLY
echo "Password     ?"
read $REPLY
echo "Password again?"
read $REPLY
echo "Session Name: RajP"
echo "First Name  : Raj"
echo "Last Name   : P"
echo "OP#         : Arch"
echo "Continue? (y|n)"
read $REPLY
echo "You already have a ses_data record for OP_NBR=Arch"
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn ./
expect "Session Name ?\r"
send "RajP\r"
expect "First Name   ?\r"
send "Raj\r"
expect "Last Name    ?\r"
send "P\r"
expect "Op#          ?\r"
send "Arch\r"
expect "Password     ?\r"
send "Pass123\r"
expect "Password again?\r"
send "Pass123\r"
expect "Session Name: RajP\r"
expect "First Name  : Raj\r"
expect "Last Name   : P\r"
expect "OP#         : Arch\r"
expect "Continue? (y|n)\r"
send "y\r"
expect {
        "You already have a ses_data record for OP_NBR=Arch"{exp_continue}
        "row count = 1"{exp_continue}
expect eof

My expect script is trying to test 2 different shell scripts :  and ... 
It fails with this message 

expect: spawn id exp7 not open
    while executing
"expect eof"
    (file "./" line 26)


expect {
        "You already have a ses_data record for OP_NBR=Arch" {}
        "row count = 1" {}
expect eof


expect {
        "You already have a ses_data record for OP_NBR=Arch" {}
        "row count = 1" {}
expect eof