Linux 如何将stderr和stdout重定向到多个输出文件?

Linux 如何将stderr和stdout重定向到多个输出文件?,linux,shell,redirect,Linux,Shell,Redirect,我想知道如何为以下对象编写3个命令: 将输出从标准输出重定向到文件output.txt 将输出从stderr重定向到文件error.txt 将stdout和stderr的输出重定向到文件all.txt 这是我到目前为止的代码,但它没有输出任何内容: #!/bin/bash echo This goes to stdout echo And this is and error going to stderr 1>&2 exec 1>output.t


  • 将输出从标准输出重定向到文件output.txt
  • 将输出从stderr重定向到文件error.txt
  • 将stdout和stderr的输出重定向到文件all.txt

    echo This goes to stdout
    echo And this is and error going to stderr 1>&2
    exec 1>output.txt
    exec 2>error.txt
    exec >all.txt 1>&2



exec 3> all.txt # fd3 goes to all.txt
exec 1> >(tee output.txt >&3) # fd1(stdout) goes to both output.txt and fd3
exec 2> >(tee error.txt >&3) # fd2(stderr) goes to both error.txt and fd3

echo Go To Stdout # goes to fd1, and fd1 goes to both output.txt and fd3 (which goes to all.txt)
echo Go To Stderr >&2 # goes to fd2, and fd2 goes to both error.txt and fd3 (which goes to all.txt)