尝试在mono develop中制作表格

尝试在mono develop中制作表格,mono,Mono,我刚开始使用monodevelop,我很难设计表单。我已经理解了容器内小部件的概念。我正在尝试获取一个滚动视图中的表。该表应该有3列,我应该能够设置列名 我看过mono develop的一些文档,这些文档展示了如何使用节点视图来做同样的事情,但我还没有弄清楚为什么它会出现在一个新窗口中,以及如何在我的第一个屏幕上显示它。还有什么方法可以将它拖放到表单中以生成列和表头?我已附上代码: using System; using Gtk; namespace ImageCompressionTool {


我看过mono develop的一些文档,这些文档展示了如何使用节点视图来做同样的事情,但我还没有弄清楚为什么它会出现在一个新窗口中,以及如何在我的第一个屏幕上显示它。还有什么方法可以将它拖放到表单中以生成列和表头?我已附上代码:

using System;
using Gtk;
namespace ImageCompressionTool
    class MainClass
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            Application.Init ();
            MainWindow win = new MainWindow ();
            win.Show ();
            Application.Run ();

            Gtk.Application.Init ();
            NodeViewExample win1 = new NodeViewExample ();
            win1.Show ();
            Gtk.Application.Run ();


    public class MyTreeNode : Gtk.TreeNode {

        string song_title;

        public MyTreeNode (string artist, string song_title)
            Artist = artist;
            this.song_title = song_title;

        [Gtk.TreeNodeValue (Column=0)]
        public string Artist;

        [Gtk.TreeNodeValue (Column=1)]
        public string SongTitle {get { return song_title; } }


    public class NodeViewExample : Gtk.Window {
        Gtk.NodeStore store;
        Gtk.NodeStore Store {
            get {
                if (store == null) {
                    store = new Gtk.NodeStore (typeof (MyTreeNode));
                    store.AddNode (new MyTreeNode ("The Beatles", "Yesterday"));
                    store.AddNode (new MyTreeNode ("Peter Gabriel", "In Your Eyes"));
                    store.AddNode (new MyTreeNode ("Rush", "Fly By Night"));
                return store;

        public NodeViewExample () : base ("NodeView")
            SetSizeRequest (200,150);

            // Create our TreeView and add it as our child widget
            Gtk.NodeView view = new Gtk.NodeView (Store);
            Add (view);

            // Create a column with title Artist and bind its renderer to model column 0
            view.AppendColumn ("Artist", new Gtk.CellRendererText (), "text", 0);

            // Create a column with title 'Song Title' and bind its renderer to model column 1
            view.AppendColumn ("Song Title", new Gtk.CellRendererText (), "text", 1);
            view.ShowAll ();





    public static void Main (string[] args)
        Gtk.Application.Init ();
        NodeViewExample win1 = new NodeViewExample ();
        win1.Show ();
        Gtk.Application.Run ();

