Ms access VBA中的循环跳过值

Ms access VBA中的循环跳过值,ms-access,vba,Ms Access,Vba,我在Access VBA中有以下代码 Public Sub CalculateVol() Dim vol As Double Dim rs As Recordset Dim rs2 As Recordset Dim iRow As Long, iField As Long Dim strSQL As String Dim CurveID As Long Dim MarkRunID As Long Dim MaxOfMarkAsofDate As Date Dim userdate As Str

我在Access VBA中有以下代码

Public Sub CalculateVol()

Dim vol As Double
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Dim iRow As Long, iField As Long
Dim strSQL As String
Dim CurveID As Long
Dim MarkRunID As Long
Dim MaxOfMarkAsofDate As Date
Dim userdate As String

DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM HolderTable"
'Clears out the old array from the holder table.

Dim I As Integer
Dim x As Date

userdate = InputBox("Please Enter the Date (mm/dd/yyyy)")

x = userdate

Dim BucketTermAmt As Long
BucketTermAmt = InputBox("Please Enter the Term Amount")

For I = 0 To 76

MaxOfMarkAsofDate = x - I

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM VolatilityOutput WHERE CurveID=" & Forms!Volatility.cboCurve.Value & " AND MaxOfMarkAsofDate=#" & MaxOfMarkAsofDate & "# ORDER BY MaxOfMarkasOfDate, MaturityDate"

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, Type:=dbOpenDynaset, Options:=dbSeeChanges)
Set rs2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("HolderTable")

If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then



    Dim BucketTermUnit As String
    Dim BucketDate As Date
    Dim MarkAsOfDate As Date
    Dim InterpRate As Double

    Dim b As String

    b = BucketTermAmt

    BucketTermUnit = Forms!Volatility.cboDate.Value
    BucketDate = DateAdd(BucketTermUnit, b, MaxOfMarkAsofDate)
    InterpRate = CurveInterpolateRecordset(rs, BucketDate)

    rs2("BucketDate") = BucketDate
    rs2("InterpRate") = InterpRate

End If

Next I

vol = EWMA(0.94)

Forms!Volatility!txtVol = vol

Debug.Print vol

End Sub



while count < 76
    'get rs here
    if rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
        'do everything else
        count = count + 1
    end if
    dateCounter = dateCounter + 1


while count < 76
    'get rs here
    if rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
        'do everything else
        count = count + 1
    end if
    dateCounter = dateCounter + 1
