Mysql 错误:ER_PARSE_错误:您的SQL语法有错误;日期时间

Mysql 错误:ER_PARSE_错误:您的SQL语法有错误;日期时间,mysql,node.js,Mysql,Node.js,代码通过向行中添加其他用户Id来更新用户, 当我向这个函数传递一个满足我得到的值的对象时 async addToPlayerGame(queueItem) { // update the row with the userId and start round1 this.gameState = process.env.GAME_ROUND1; let sql = `UPDATE gamequeue SET secondPlayer=${ this.first

代码通过向行中添加其他用户Id来更新用户, 当我向这个函数传递一个满足我得到的值的对象时

 async addToPlayerGame(queueItem) {
    // update the row with the userId and start round1
    this.gameState = process.env.GAME_ROUND1;
    let sql = `UPDATE gamequeue SET secondPlayer=${
    }, gameState=${this.gameState} 
    WHERE firstPlayer=${queueItem.firstPlayer} AND secondPlayer=${
    } AND createdAt=${new Date(queueItem.createdAt)} AND playerType=${

    return await query(sql);
async function query(sql) {
  try {
    result = await db.query(sql);
    return { err: null, result: result };
  } catch (error) {
    return { err: error.toString(), result: null };

"Error: ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Jul 13 2020 17:42:49 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) AND playerType=1' at line 2"