Node.js Heroku Socket.IO服务器连接被Cocos2D应用程序拒绝

Node.js Heroku Socket.IO服务器连接被Cocos2D应用程序拒绝,node.js,sockets,heroku,,cocos2d-x,Node.js,Sockets,Heroku,,Cocos2d X,我在将Cocos2D应用程序连接到Heroku上托管的Socket.IO服务器时遇到问题。使用Cocos2D Socket.IO客户端,我尝试连接到***,收到以下输出: In the constructor of HttpClient! libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile cocos2d: QuadCommand: resizing index size from [-1] to [2560]

我在将Cocos2D应用程序连接到Heroku上托管的Socket.IO服务器时遇到问题。使用Cocos2D Socket.IO客户端,我尝试连接到

In the constructor of HttpClient!
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
cocos2d: QuadCommand: resizing index size from [-1] to [2560]
[WebSocket::init] _host: ***, _port: 80, _path: /
WebSocket thread start, helper instance: 0x6000000a2ee0
NOTICE: Initial logging level 967

NOTICE: Libwebsockets version: 1.6.0 3ca4bac

NOTICE: IPV6 compiled in and enabled

NOTICE: libev support not compiled in

NOTICE:  mem: platform fd map: 38912 bytes

NOTICE:  mem: per-conn:          336 bytes + protocol rx buf

WebSocket (0x6000001c2fd0) onConnectionError ...
Ready state is closing or was closed, code=2, quit websocket thread!
NOTICE: lws_context_destroy

WebSocket (0x6000001c2fd0) onConnectionClosed ...
WebSocket thread exit, helper instance: 0x6000000a2ee0
Websocket error received: 1
In the destructor of WebSocket (0x6000001c2fd0)

In the constructor of HttpClient!
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
cocos2d: QuadCommand: resizing index size from [-1] to [2560]
SIOClientImpl::handshake() failed
error buffer: Empty reply from server