Oracle coldfusion将两个查询的结果合并在一起

Oracle coldfusion将两个查询的结果合并在一起,oracle,coldfusion,Oracle,Coldfusion,我有两个coldfusion查询,如下所示,返回不同的列和日期列 <cfquery name="qry1" datasource="test"> select title, name, id, test_date from table1 , table2 </cfquery> <cfquery name="qry2" datasource="test"> select headline, itemid, create_dt from table3 , tab


<cfquery name="qry1" datasource="test">
select title, name, id, test_date from table1 , table2

<cfquery name="qry2" datasource="test">
select headline, itemid, create_dt from table3 , table4
我想连接这两个查询的结果,在最后一个查询中,结果需要按date desc排序注意:两个查询中返回的日期是两个不同的列。我知道可以选择合并所有这两个查询,我不想使用它,因为它会减慢请求的速度。有没有其他方法来实现这一点的想法

           <CFQUERY NAME="getDetails" DBTYPE="query"> 
                SELECT emp_id, url_shortcut, title, name, join_dt
                ,'' as item_id,'' as batch_id, '' as item_text
                FROM get_related_info_one
                UNION ALL

                SELECT  to_number('') as emp_id,  '' as url_ shortcut,  '' as title, '' as name
                ,item_date as join_dt, item_id, batch_id, item_text 
                FROM get_related_info_two
我得到一个错误: 查询语法错误。 遇到。 Select语句不正确, 应为“发件人”,但实际遇到, select语句应具有“FROM”构造。


<cfquery name="qry1" datasource="test">
select title, name, id, test_date 
from table1 , table2
select headline, '' as name, itemid, create_dt 
from table3 , table4
ORDER BY test_date

如果您正在寻找一种基于CF的方法,尤其是在使用内存查询时,Ben Nadel编写了一个QueryAppend UDF


<!--- 7/5/2006 QueryAppend By Ben Nadel
      1/5/2017 New "EmptyAsNull" option to prevent NULL values (dates & numbers) from being incorrectly recast
      to an invalid "empty string" by ColdFusion's Query-of-Queries and throwing "Error casting an object
      of type to an incompatible type" error. --->
<cffunction name="QueryAppend" access="public" returntype="void" output="false" hint="This takes two queries and appends the second one to the first one. This actually updates the first query and does not return anything.">
    <cfargument name="QueryOne" type="query" required="true">
    <cfargument name="QueryTwo" type="query" required="true">
    <cfargument name="EmptyAsNull" default="" required="false"> 
    <cfset var LOCAL = StructNew()>
    <cfset LOCAL.Columns = ListToArray(ARGUMENTS.QueryOne.ColumnList)>
    <cfset LOCAL.EmptyAsNull = 0>
    <cfif isValid("boolean", ARGUMENTS.EmptyAsNull) AND ARGUMENTS.EmptyAsNull>
        <cfset LOCAL.EmptyAsNull = 1>
    <cfloop query="ARGUMENTS.QueryTwo">
        <cfset QueryAddRow(ARGUMENTS.QueryOne)>
        <cfloop ARRAY="#LOCAL.Columns#" index="LOCAL.ColumnName">
            <cfif StructKeyExists(ARGUMENTS.QueryTwo, LOCAL.ColumnName) AND (NOT LOCAL.EmptyAsNull OR LEN(ARGUMENTS.QueryTwo[LOCAL.ColumnName][ARGUMENTS.QueryTwo.CurrentRow]))>
                <cfset ARGUMENTS.QueryOne[LOCAL.ColumnName][ARGUMENTS.QueryOne.RecordCount] = ARGUMENTS.QueryTwo[LOCAL.ColumnName][ARGUMENTS.QueryTwo.CurrentRow]>