Php 如何在没有框架的情况下实现类似MVC视图的模式

Php 如何在没有框架的情况下实现类似MVC视图的模式,php,codeigniter,Php,Codeigniter,MVC模式允许您定义视图,然后通过控制器将变量加载到视图中,这非常方便。为了便于讨论,让我们以CodeIgniter为例: 控制器: Class Example extends CI_controller(){ function show_page(){ $data = array('msg'=>'Hello World'); echo $this->load->view('hello',$data



Class Example extends CI_controller(){
          function show_page(){
               $data = array('msg'=>'Hello World');
               echo $this->load->view('hello',$data);




function view($template, $data){
    extract($data);       // this pulls all of the first-level array keys out as their own separate variables
    ob_start();           // this turns on **output buffering** which is the method we'll use to "capture" the contents of the view (there are surely other ways)
    require $template;    // you should prepend some sort of fixed path to this where all of your templates will reside
    echo ob_get_flush();  // turns off output buffering, returning the buffered content as a string which we then send to the browser.

     - hello.php
 - view_class.php`
 $data['msg'] = 'Hello World!';
 echo $view_class->get_view('hello.php',$data); 
function view($template, $data){
    extract($data);       // this pulls all of the first-level array keys out as their own separate variables
    ob_start();           // this turns on **output buffering** which is the method we'll use to "capture" the contents of the view (there are surely other ways)
    require $template;    // you should prepend some sort of fixed path to this where all of your templates will reside
    echo ob_get_flush();  // turns off output buffering, returning the buffered content as a string which we then send to the browser.